Publishing Goblin
3 months ago

Project Update: Project Update! | Books, prints, cards arrive! ... Without Black Edges?!

Hello, my patient poetry readers!

I have been waiting, twiddling my thumbs, for the books to arrive! And arrive they have. The cards look good, the prints are good (and legible where they cross paths with the art if you catch it in the light, but a lot harder to read when it doesn't I'm finding), and the books are pretty good.

The one issue is one I've been growing more worried about, and that's the fact that it doesn't seem they blacked out the edges of the books. For either book! For While Widening the Wound it's harder to tell because the pages are black, so it looks like it kind of is, but I sharpied the edges of the books (you can see in the video) and they look much better when painted/sprayed/marked black. But the whole reason I went with a manufacturer instead of print on demand is for specialty options like that!

So I'm letting them know and seeing what we can do. It was weird because they priced me for that, and even said after I sent them a picture of a book with black edges that they are blacking the edges, but clearly they didn't. Not sure what they think they did.

Some pictures for you!

I'm definitely sticking with the idea that I'll probably get the books around January and then ship them out to y'all around then. Don't want to compete with Christmas shipping, it's painful, expensive, and likely to get caught up and lost in the mass of packages!

Also updated the older books of poetry too, which you can check out in the video!

Thanks for your patience friends, I'll update when I get the black edges figured out with the manufacturer.

your pub gob





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