Publishing Goblin
5 months ago

Project Update: Hello! Funding and Next Steps


Apologies for not being on top of this right away friends, I was at my friend's cake supply store yesterday for my one-day-a-week shift, then came home to D&D with friends. But I'm here now!

With over $4000 raised (4085), and 103 backers, this was a fantastic showing for poetry! My last project to try and fund poetry brought in $2346 for two much bigger books, with just 59 backers! We very nearly doubled both numbers, and that's fantastic. I have officially added items #40 and #41 to the timeline on my website! And realizing I made the Alleyway Oracles just one thing when it was 3 decks and I should probably split those up... hmmm for a later date. Also, should the timeline go the other way so the newest is at the top?

I will also say, after fees to Backerkit and card processing plus some failed pledges (always happens, no big), we'll have around $3600 left over. 


Reid asked for $200 for the Like Warm Plastic cover, I bumped it to $300 because, did you see the cover? Reid is amazing and deserves a lot more for their work! We did $450 for the two back illustrations (Lady + Pup) since they were separate and then got tagged together on the back cover. We then unlocked another $300 cover for the While Widening the Wound cover illustration! And Reid is amazing so they're actually doing an additional full mixed-media painted canvas with fabric version of the WWtW cover as a full painting to send me, folded into that $300 cost. Truly incredible.

That's -$1050, so $2550 left over.


To get just 250 copies of Like Warm Plastic, it looks like the manufacturing will be around $700. 
94 were ordered.

I haven't properly quoted While Widening the Wound, but I think because of the black pages and green text, we can estimate a higher price point more like $1100 for 250 copies. This should change when I send in a proper quote so that's nice, likely lower by $200 or so.
As a late addition, just 23 were ordered.

The Art Prints for Like Warm Plastic will be around $310 for 250 sets, though I'm considering tossing in a fifth free print for WWtW cover so let's estimate more like $340.
16 art print sets were ordered.

With just 19 and 22 copies of the bigger books grabbed, Every Day in Love and This Map is Just a Suggestion, and because of how large they are, I won't be doing a 250 run of those two books here, just print on demand copies from  This Map is partly in color so PoD it's $20 a piece for me, Every Day in Love, while in B&W and longer, is $13.30 for me. That's $252.70 for Every Day, and $440 for This Map is Just a Suggestion.  With shipping we can put this about $700. (I do have a few copies at home, so can maybe reduce this a little.)

Because our partner project just made it to funding (yay!), we are good to go for the cross-collab oracle cards! These cost nothing to people who backed both of our projects for physical goods, so they are only an expense at the moment, though I will make them available as an add-on on the pledge manager. Looks like to satisfy everyone and have leftovers to giveaway or something fun it'll be around $100 total, including shipping. 
(This includes the 4th bonus card I'm throwing in of the WWtW cover as OBSESSION for the oracle cards!)

That looks to be -$2940, which would put us at -$390 left. I'll try to figure out the freight cost and fold that (if reasonable) into people's shipping costs to soften the blow of freight from China to me of the books and art prints, but more likely it will just be a cost I pay.

You Make... Nothing?

It might leave you asking, does that mean your business is still going to pay out for this? Did you really make $0? And the answer is yes! But as a trade, I will now have 150 copies of Like Warm Plastic and 227 copies of While Widening the Wound, as well as a TON of art prints/broadsides in my storage unit, available to be taken to conventions, events, maybe some poetry readings, to offer to sell, as well as on my website!

But the real gift to me is this: The work now exists in physical form, and I got help from 100 incredible people to reduce the cost of making this happen by $4000, and that's amazing! And 100 of you will have the work in your hands to read for yourself! That's my favorite part! 

What's Next?

The next part is neat! We wait, haha.
After another couple days, the campaign will be ported over to the pledgemanager. There I will be adding shipping cost by weight and making it possible for you to grab extra items if you want them, including the collaboration oracle cards!

Because it takes just a couple weeks for the funds to come in, I'll look to finalize my print files for all the items over the next week or so and submit to my printer shortly. I want to adjust a few poems still, so I'll do that, but I got most things laid out ahead of time to make this easy on me.

So mid October the manufacturing will go down, early November it'll be done (probably sooner as this is a simple job), and they'll ship to me arriving around late Nov, early December, then I'll ship things out early to mid December. Just 100 packages will be a quick process, a weekend task.

For most people, this means the books should be in hand before the December holidays I think! Maybe even sooner. First, I'm submitting final numbers/book sizes/specs to my printer to get actual manufacturing numbers. I'll come back and update the price breakdown I shared above in another update and share the estimates for manufacturing and shipping times, and we'll be all good to twiddle our thumbs as things get made! : )

Thanks again for being here everyone, it makes such a difference to get these kinds of smaller projects made when I get the help I need to cover such big up front costs, and it gets awesome work into your hands!

Your forever grateful Publishing Goblin,
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