Project Update: Misery Monday XII | Blood Cleanses, Blood Heals
Welcome back my compatriots in Misery,
Today, we begin our final suit. We enter The House of Blood.
Acceptance + Hope.
- ⬛ The House
- The House of Blood simply is. This simple home is a return to life. A shadow self of our home, but home none the less. No longer is this the abstract horror in the woods, in the palace of flesh, or in a horrid concretescape. No, this is the horror of being alive, and gathering the courage to continue. We are now in the Home of Acceptance. This is our home, our life, through the rage and screaming and crying, this is our shelter. Now we begin the journey to accept it.
- 0 The Folly
- In the House of Blood, our 0 is The Vessel. It is our mistake to keep our hope locked away in a bottle, not to be seen or known or shared. We will rot away without its blessing. We must let it out, soak in it, and grow it in our arms, our bodies. Do not fear it dying beyond the vessel, we will nurture it in ourselves, where it cannot die.
- 1 The Portal
- In the House of Blood, our 1 is The Blessing. In our home and reality once more, we make the bold plunge to be healed and alive and wanting, even in our cold kitchen, even in lonely moments at night, alone. We are still on the path of misery, but now we are alive and choosing to place our hope and joy in our hearts, pouring the blood on our bodies, truly drenching ourselves in the ability to breathe once more. This portal is a choice to let ourselves be happy again, even if it feels just a little out of reach still. Now, we have said we can.
- 2 The Nemesis
- In the House of Blood, our 2 is The Vigilant. This fear, this trauma, does not go away. Even in normal moments, in the middle of the day, our pain, our PTSD, our traumas, it can come back and hit us at once. In that moment, you will feel like you have slid all the way back to the early houses. It is a shock. It is a horror. But you are not in those places. Center. Calm. Remind yourself that you are in this body, in this home. You are alive. This will lessen with time.
- 3 The Wound
- In the House of Blood, our 3 is The Flow. Sometimes we worry that we are solely putting on a false face, a fake smile, a mask, as we pretend at being happy again. We worry about failure. And failure is possible, this is true. But do not mistake your trying for cowardice, forget the mask you wear, for it is not a lie. It is an honest attempt. This is not truly bleeding now, it is merely butterflies in your stomach. The mask you put on for now to show happiness is brave, because it is practice.
- 4 The Harmonic
- In the House of Blood, our 4 is The Shared Red. The foundation of Hope is the sharing of life. Tell others where you have been, what you have felt. Share your pain, your hopes. Now is not just the time to bring people back in, it's the time to share what makes us human. Let them help you bear the burdens you have carried, then let them help you continue on. A great weight on your shoulders will lessen with each person you share it with.
The art is still scary, but do not be afraid. The whole deck has been a journey where you are guided, gently, on the path. The Path of Misery itself, in rewalking, seeing, understanding, is not dangerous. It is understanding. It is patient. And it is important we carry it from the start to the finish, for the hope we find here in the House of Blood is healing.
I will see you next week, for the final cards of the deck.
Carry hope with you till then,
your pub gob