Publishing Goblin
20 days ago

Project Update: Misery Monday VIII | The Approaching of the Nails

Welcome back to the path of Misery.

(I actually put this together Thursday, which is really great because Friday night I felt weird, and then I spent Saturday and Sunday in bed all day sick. Frankly, I'm not sure I'm even 70% now. So thank you, last Thursday self, for randomly doing this one like 5 days early!)

We have toured the main exhibit, we have experienced the shocking horror of the House of Blades, the winding woods of the House of Wire, the tempting hunger of the House of Flesh, and slid through the muck and death of the House of Rot. In each case, we dove deep through unreality, terror, fear. Places wholly nightmarish.

Now, today, we begin the turn.

The first of the House of Nails

Today, we emerge into something clearer, simpler. No longer the dreamlike hues of Rot, nor the overwhelming explosions of blood or flesh. We see things plainly, as they are. The Suit of Nails is our upward turn in the process of grieving, when we begin to see the world again, when we begin to see things as real, possible.

  • The House 
    • The House of Nails is The Outpost, our plain concrete shelter waiting for us beyond the fields of Rot. This lonely building is among our suffering, but now in a stark reality. This can seem scary, worrying. But it's not. Walk into this room to find a simple work bench, one light, and shelter. You are now ready to begin working towards something greater than you have once more. 
  • 0 The Folly 
    • In the House of Nails, our 0 is The Relapse. It can be easy to look at the workbench, the nails, and dive back into the pain. The hardest part of this phase of misery is accepting that there are good things possible now. It is not hard at this point to slip back into believing you deserve pain. Suffering. But do not fear. You can take the nails out of your hand and push on. This does not mean you have failed.
  • 1 The Portal 
    • In the House of Nails, our 1 is The Patient Nail. The path ahead looks scary. But the nail suspended overhead is not our foe. It will not strike down on us, it is just there as a reminder of what was. There is hope ahead, and when you have it, you see the hanging danger for what it is, a mere memory. Stationary now, it cannot hurt you any longer. Pass under it without fear.
  • 2 The Nemesis 
    • In the House of Nails, our 2 is The Betrayer. This creature will seek to deny you your hope. Some people see you from the outside and may not feel you've suffered enough for any number of reasons. People who think they know you better than you do. Do not pay them heed. They can only hurt those who trust them.
  • 3 The Wound 
    • In the House of Nails, our 3 is The Memories. Hope can hurt us by making us face what we have to do next. Who we have to heal wounds with, who we need to apologize to for disappearing, for not helping. We must take this into our own hands, and make a plan for who is ahead, what we owe, who we should thank, and build our plan to rejoin them in life. Turn this pain into goodness with action. 
  • 4 The Harmonic 
    • In the House of Nails, our 4 is The Tools. The foundation of Hope comes in taking the nails in hand and going forward. With the right tools, we can begin to make again. Make plans, make a life, make goals. Do not fear, the House of Nails is here for you. These nails are not weapons, but helpful elements to make the world a better place once more. 

I will see you next Monday with The Overhope, The Making, The Planning, The Precise Fool, and oh, what is this? Ahh, The Guiltless Queen. Yes, our ruler of Nails. And yes, those are the silly sketches I sent to Enoch for this suit. I'll be sharing the sketches for Rust and Blood when we get to them as well!

By our schedule, February will see both Nails and Rust completed. We're ever closer to the finish line my friends. Take heed, the upward turn in the deck marks the moment we are healing. It is not all doom and gloom.

your pug gob




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