Project Update: Character Options Shipping Update
I want to apologize for the lack of communication over the last couple months, and that all rewards that can be fulfilled have not yet been.
There's been a lot of moving pieces lately at Posthuman with the EP2 reprint — which is just about ready to ship from the printer! — production work on SCUM: An Eclipse Phase Board Game, and work on both announced and unannounced projects. That amount of work lead to some mistakes in prioritization and it snowballed into the current situation, which is a bunch of people are still waiting for their books and merch.
So: I'm going to dive heavily into support emails and fix or communicate about as many things as possible, and in no more than two weeks follow up with a progress report and a good news post, because we *do* have a bunch of good things in the works for you!
One piece of news before that — we'll be at Dice Tower West in Las Vegas this week (March 6th-9th) with Moose With Cup Creative showing off a fully playable prototype of SCUM! If you're attending the show, check us out at booth #23. If you're not, stay tuned for previews in the coming weeks.
Thanks for your support, as always.
This user contributed to this community!
I have yet to receive the hard copy of what I backed. I am in Canada and we have had a postal strike but is there any update on when we can expect things?
Previously backed this creator's crowdfunding project
This user contributed to this community!
I picked up character options at GenCon, but also had the reprint of EP2 core rules and the Morph Recognition Deck on my order. Is there any timeline for when those items will be shipping?
Project Update: EP2 Complete Collection! + Print Shipping
And the first batch of Character Options left the office on Monday, heading all over the USA. Shipping is going to be a slow-and-steady process, but I've already found a nice groove.
As a reminder, the simplest USA/Canada orders are going out first, so as I assembly-line single-book orders out the door it frees up space (both physical and mental) to ship the other orders.
Project Update: It's Beautiful! 📦📦📦 Character Options Shipping + Digital News
Shipping Starts
If you are a backer in the USA or Canada and you are set to receive only items that are currently in-stock at my shipping office, you have been sent a 48-hour warning to update your shipping address before I lock those addresses down and start the physical shipping process.
Character Options Digital Rewards
If your reward level includes the Character Options PDF, there's a code to redeem your copy from in your BackerKit account!
Character Options Digital — For Sale!
The Character Options PDF is now available to everyone: