Eclipse Phase Character Options

Eclipse Phase Character Options

Eclipse Phase Character Options: expanded toolbox for players and gamemasters * Complete selection of morphs — your character’s most essential gear * Detailed life path character creation system * Morph Creation Rules * New traits & ware
$75,335 🎉
of $15,000
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Eclipse Phase Character Options

Make the Most of Your Character!
Eclipse Phase Character Options updates and combines two popular first edition resources — lifepath character creation and the morph recognition guide — into a fully-updated hardcover book with additional material for players and characters such as new traits, new ware, and more!

Table of Contents

Character Options is 152 pages, and will be up to the same high production standards of other Eclipse Phase titles — hardcover, quality matte paper stock, spot gloss on the cover, and a ribbon bookmark. The digital edition will be a well-hyperlinked and optimized PDF.

The Book is Finished + Digital Version Available

Character Options is 100% finished; we released an Advance Edition at Gen Con. The digital version was released to backers on November 21st and the print version is ready to go to the printer. Supporting this project helps us accurately gauge how large the print run should be, and ensures that we'll have a plentiful stock of Character Options for all Eclipse Phase GMs and players.

Lifepath Character Creation

We aim to deliver the print version and all physical rewards/add-ons by the first quarter of 2024.

Morph Recognition Guide

This is an uncomplicated campaign: one physical stretch goal unlocks the Morph Recognition Deck, and a second stretch goal upgrades the components of that deck.

Stretch Goals

Morph Recognition Deck

The Morph Recognition Deck upgraded version has been unlocked! This deck will contain quick-reference cards for every single morph in Character Options.

The Morph Recognition Deck is complete in terms of assets and only needs layout and printing. We've already designed and printed cards from Eclipse Phase Second Edition and are confident this will go smoothly.

Our Eclipse Phase Second Edition Kickstarter has a couple of digital stretch goals pending: NPC File 2 and Your Whispering Muse. Both of these titles are in active production; NPC File 2 is being written by Rob Boyle (our Patreon backers have seen advanced peeks of it) and Your Whispering Muse drafts are in and waiting for Rob's development attention.

If you support Character Options at any backer level $100 and over (including backer level + add-ons), NPC File 2 and Your Whispering Muse will be added to your digital rewards.

Eclipse Phase Second Edition Reprint

We are on the cusp of reprinting Eclipse Phase Second Edition — if you pledge for a copy of it during this campaign, you lock in the current price of $60. 

Welcome to Eclipse Phase

Eclipse Phase is a game of transhuman survival. Ten years after losing a war against a group of hostile AIs, transhumanity stands on the divide between flourishing and going extinct. The Earth is ruined and overrun by machines, but we have colonized the rest of the Solar System and even worlds beyond. Transhumanity is enhanced and improved, but also battered and bitterly divided. The technologies that open up liberatory possibilities, to live with abundance, and to reshape our bodies and minds also create opportunities for oppression and put the capability for mass destruction in the hands of everyone.

A cross-faction conspiracy called Firewall seeks to protect transhumanity from existential threats that might wipe us out as a species. Firewall agents may find themselves hunting for prized technology in a gutted habitat falling from orbit, risking the hellish landscapes of a ruined Earth, racing against corporate teams to retrieve alien relics on a frozen exoplanet, or following the trail of a terrorist through militarized stations and isolationist habitats.

Learn more at


Shipping Costs & Timing

Looking forward to a few days of this ...

We will be charging shipping costs very close to the actual shipping date, to remove as much guesswork as possible about shipping costs.

Within the USA, shipping costs will be under $10. For international shipments we aim to keep the cost under $25. Doing so may require slower shipping times (and more manual shipping ourselves!) but won't require the logistics of shipping books to different shipping centers around the world, then shipping individual packages from there.

All digital fulfillment comes from our long-time partners at DriveThruRPG.
All digital fulfillment comes from our long-time partners at DriveThruRPG!


What's Next for Eclipse Phase & Posthuman Studios?

After we deliver Character Options our focus turns away from rules-focusd titles, and we move towards expanding the Eclipse Phase setting and offering more tools to help GMs and players dive deeper:

  • NPC File 2 — a ~100 page book with archetypal and specific NPCs.
  • Your Whispering Muse — bite-sized releases on specific aspects of the Eclipse Phase setting.
  • Blackvein's Underworld Guide — a large sourcebook about crime.
  • Space Combat — A short rulebook about direct and indirect combat for ships of all sizes and styles.
  • More Nano Ops and Adventures.

Our Patreon
Our Patreon delivers a Monthly Project, usually voted on and guided by our patrons! We also use it to distribute playtest drafts, previews, and other snippets.
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