Playing Grounded
11 months ago

Project Update: Here is the wind up before the pitch...

Hello Good People,

Well, we're just about at the end of the road. Pretty uneventful, like a leisurely walk through the open country where you can take in all that is going on around you.

We're very happy to have achieved the goal, that means a lot. Lara and I are quite thankful to have had the opportunity to turn a pastime we shared into a business adventure. Our goal was to introduce unique, original anime style art, work with the artists directly who created them and then make some really outstanding puzzles out of it.

And that we have achieved. We sincerely hope you will enjoy these puzzles and understand the goal for us has always been to create something you'd remember fondly rather than just us pumping something out for profit. Our integrity to make a quality product always outweighed the take we would receive in the end.

These may or may not be last puzzles we will ever produce. Only time will tell. With that, we'll keep you updated after the campaign of when you can expect your puzzles to ship. The good news is, you won't have to wait long. =)

Best to all of you,

Eric and Lara

Here is the last chapter of Goldi-chan and Three Puzzles.

Note: If you missed a chapter you can always look back at the previous updates.

Father may be Wise but Mother Knows Best

They all hooted with delight, exuberantly holding out their plates as Mrs. Owl lovingly cut a wedge for each of them.

“Oh, boy!!” Hermes Chirped.

“Positively scrumptious, my dear!” exclaimed Archimedes as he shoveled a forkful into his beak.

“This is sooo…good mother!” Olivia canted.

That afternoon, the owl family, satiated by their supper, sang the praises of their magnificent mother and her culinary creation. Now that their bellies were warm and full of good food, they forgot all about their prior inconveniences and the mysterious placement of puzzle pieces by pernicious pad foots.

The moral of this long-winded, winged-tale is, aside from the quality of the puzzle and cut of the pieces themselves; a good puzzle is one that has just the right dose of difficulty and can hold your interest.

At Playing Grounded we believe:

A puzzle that is too simple—low piece count, big pieces, lacks challenge—and is easily completed, may leave one wanting and unfulfilled in the process.

A puzzle that is extremely difficult—high piece count, small pieces, fuzzy image, lack of detail or repulsively repetitive—may leave one uninspired and unwilling to go any further with it. This will also lead to an undesirable outcome.

But when piecing a puzzle together that has a moderate piece count (i.e. 500-1500 pieces), an imaginative, inspired work of art that is well drawn, painted, or photographed, and that is brimming with bright colors and crisp, clean details, the experience is much more inviting. This kind of puzzle will leave one with a simple satisfaction that would seem to be the perfect fit for an overall enjoyable puzzling experience.

And lastly, a mother’s love is the heart of the hearth and usually knows what’s best for her nest.

~ The End ~

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