Playing Grounded
12 months ago

Project Update: Thanks for Coming Out!

Hey Guys and Gals,

While at the moment there is no super exciting news to share with you like... "Yes were just about to meet our goal" or we're half way there," for that matter, we'd we poor sports and rather ungrateful if we didn't give a shout out to you who decided to depart from your hard earned money to participate in this project. So, thank you, you have our gratitude.

Since there is nothing really to share about the campaign so far, we would still like to at least offer some content for you to enjoy. A year back I (Eric) wrote a short story for the post page for our website.

So, just for fun we thought we would share a chapter a week. With that being said, we hope you enjoy the somewhat original fairytale of Goldi-chan and the Three Puzzles.

Happy Sunday, it's getting warmer out there.
Eric and Lara

Cabin Curiosity

One bright, sunny morning, a little girl named Goldi-chan was playing in the woods that surrounded her village. After chasing a bright green butterfly for a time, she realized that she had left the well-worn path she’d been traversing and had somehow gotten herself lost along the way.

Goldi-chan looked for the tallest tree that she could find and decided to climb it hoping to see where she might be. After making her way up the sturdy limbs of an aged oak, now high up in its branches, she found what seemed to be a little cottage nestled soundly in the towering timber.

As she got closer, she could see that it was indeed a cabin, carefully constructed out of the sticks that littered the forest floor beneath her. There were windows cut into its walls, with lace curtains adorning the interior and a little porch jutting out from its face. Curiously, she walked toward the front door. It seemed to be made of planks of polished wood that were firmly held together, and on the door there was a plaque that read “Wise Owl of the Woods inquire within for assistance.”

 Next Update: Chapter 2: Table of Contents





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