Dear Backers and Friends,

We’ve done it! Thanks to your incredible support, we’ve hit the €12,000 stretch goal, unlocking three stretch goals so far! 🎉

Here’s what we’ve unlocked together:
  • €10,000: Extra Heavy Subclass: The Court of Rats Thug
  • €11,000: Shadow City-themed items to enrich the world
  • €12,000: Extra Savant Subclass: The Iron Union Organizer

What’s coming up next:
  • At €13,000, we’ll unlock more Light and Shadow Spells to expand the magical possibilities.
  • At €14,000, we’ll unlock the Extra Maker Subclass: Brass Consortium Artisan, perfect for those who want to craft and innovate in Shadow City.

Thank you for your continued support. Let’s keep pushing forward and unlock even more stretch goals together!

See you in the shadows,
Christopher Mifsud
CEO/Creative Director
Shadow City Mysteries: The Roleplaying Game




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