Thank you for your patience over the last couple of weeks, the survey has taken me a little bit longer than anticipated to complete but it is finally done! I will send the smoke test (a small percentage of the surveys) momentarily, and as soon as these have come back and everything looks good, I shall send the rest later in the week.
You will receive an email when your survey is ready to be completed.
Early Bird Mini Pin Update
Originally, my plan for the early bird incentive was to include one of the campaign mini pins at random, but I decided you deserved something special so I have designed an exclusive Dragon Egg Mini Pin! Those of you who backed in the first 48 hours of the campaign will receive this beauty for free as part of your pledge. Don't worry if you backed later into the campaign though, as they're available as an extra add-on for everyone 🥰
We're fast approaching the point where we will get to see these beauties brought to life and I can't quite explain how excited I am to share that with you all!
Pre-Order Store is OPEN!
Did you or your friends miss out on the campaign? No worries - the pre-order store is now open! Please note, this is only for those who did not back during the campaign (it is not your survey!)