Pin & Tonic
5 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Has Begun!

Hello hello all! 

As expected, grading has taken aaaages, but when there's on person checking 12,000 pins that's not surprising! I have reacahed a point where I've checked enough (and I'm fed up of looking at them for a bit 😂) to get going with shipping, so the first batch went out last week! Some lucky backers have already had their parcels arrive which is super exciting to see. The ones that have already gone out are to those who also placed an order from my shop, you should have dispatch notices in your inbox.

Shipping Plan

My loose shipping plan is to start with the biggest pledges with the most items in, to thank the backers who provided the most support. After this I'll batch you all by region and crack on 💪🏻

My hope is to use 2-3 days a week for fulfilling pledges, and to just get as many out as I can each week whilst still keeping up with everything else a small business owner has to do. My usual shipment collection is a Friday, so dispatch emails are most likely to arrive at the end of the week! Make sure to add [email protected] to your contacts so I don't end up in your spam folder.

As I've said before, I'm doing this all solo, and am soooo grateful with how patient you're all being! I'm working hard behind the scenes to get your goodies to you and cannot wait to see them arriving 😍😍😍

Oh... and just in case you fancy treating your future self to even more pins, please check out my Classic Collection on Kickstarter!
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