Peter Chiykowski
4 months ago

Project Update: The pins have been sent into production + 1 week left for survey + note about shipping costs

Hello backers,

I'm excited to report that the pins have all been sent into production! Production will take place over the next 2 months and we should be ready to begin shipping in the fall. I'll follow up in a future update to explain the shipping timeline and methods.

I'm also happy to share that 93% of backers have completed the reward survey! Thank you!

If if you have not completed the survey yet, please fill it out by July 1. I will need to lock pledges in early July so I can commit the correct number of each pin design to each one of our shipping hubs.

If you have not received your survey link yet, you can get it by visiting and entering your BackerKit email.

One last note about the surveys: there was a period of about 2 weeks during which BackerKit was incorrectly pulling add-on shipping estimates from an empty shipping table instead of the correct table. 

For backer who completed their survey around the beginning of June with add-ons (e.g. who added additional pins or extras on top of their pledge) may have been shown $0 for their add-on shipping when the actual charge should have been what was advertised during the campaign:

  • USA: US$1/add-on
  • Canada: CA$1/add-on
  • UK: £1/add-on
  • EU: €2/add-on
  • Int'l: US$3/add-on

I've fixed the error and the correct amount should now be showing. If you'd like to double-check your expected charges, just open your reward survey link and you'll be able to see everything line by line. 

This shouldn't affect people who completed their surveys when they first opened in May, and this also won't affect anyone who did not add extra pins or items on top of their base pledge. If this does affect you, the difference will likely be a few dollars compared to the estimate you were shown.

Thanks and let me know if you have any questions!

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