Peter Chiykowski
5 months ago

Project Update: Surveys are sent + "Cat Lady Druid" pin update

Hello backers!

I'm pleased to report that our smoke test was successful and we were able to send out the surveys ahead of schedule!

If you have not received your survey link yet, you can get it by visiting and entering your BackerKit email. Please fill out your survey by July 1.

Also, a backer brought something to my attention: there was a pin missing from the survey!

There was a pin that wasn't included in the 25-pin lineup or the unlock list, but I forgot to remove from the pin design gallery when I cut it from the final lineup before launch. It's the pin that reads "I'm not a crazy cat lady / I'm a high-level druid."

This was my mistake, and I didn't intend to offer this design for this campaign, but I absolutely want to do right by everyone who pledged because they were interested in this design.

If you pledged because you wanted the "Cat Lady Druid" pin design instead of one of your existing pin selections, please fill out this Google form and I'll make sure to swap out one of your existing pin choices for it. You'll be able to specify which. The deadline to fill out the form is June 10th.

Thanks so much and sorry for the error and confusion!

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