12 months ago

Project Update: St.Patrick was Abducted by Pirates

Lá Fhéile Pádraig sona daobh!
Happy St.Patrick's Day!

If you celebrate, I hope your day was full of mad craic and many shenanigans. And if you don't celebrate, I hope your day was full of mad craic and many shenanigans...because why not? Tis Sunday after all.

The title for this update wasn't even clickbait. St Patrick (original Welsh) was captured by Irish pirates and brought to Ireland where he served as a shepherd for years...or so we're told.

Maybe we should turn that into a D&D adventure some day!?

And talk about multi-classing. Acolyte to swashbuckler to druid to full-blown cleric. Thought the dude was kind of evil, so maybe he was more of a Warlock? Hermmm. What kind of Patron would he have? The great serpent?

Okay, I'll stop! We need to finish Whispers Upon the Waves first!

Speaking of abducted...health (and sanity) have been in short supply in our house this past week with all but one person catching the stomach flu. Whispers? We wish! 3 screaming kids and countless washing machine cycles are all I've heard this week.

I'm responsible for the layout of this project and I didn't want to leave you all hanging. I'll continue to work on having the PDF completed over the course of the coming week. I don't know who is more excited to see the completion of this one, you or me haha I will say this though, it is magic and so far it looks wonderful.

I'll be back in a few days with another update and hopefully I'll have a few spreads to share even if the final PDF isn't 100% finished.

Have a good one,

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon





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