12 months ago

Project Update: Whispers - FINALLY Crossing That Finished Line

We Cannot Wait! 

You've been exceedingly patient with us and I wanted to say a mega THANK YOU to those of you still waiting for Whispers Upon the Waves. It certainly turned into a mammoth piece as we've mentioned in previous updates. 

We're excited and relieved to say it is finally heading your way this week. We very much look forward to hearing your thoughts on this long-awaited PDF. 

What started out as a "mini adventure" turned into an adventure/ setting book complete with deities, locations, history, mythology, and more. Some adventures grow a pair of legs and run away with you, this was one of those adventures. 

Can We Talk About Inspiration?

We are fortunate to live on the beautiful North Coast of Ireland. Much of the inspiration for our adventures come from this little green island, with its rugged coastline and ancient ruins.

Causeway Coastal Route

These images are from my favourite coastal running route, this particular section runs from the ruins of Dunseverick Castle all the way to the Giant's Causeway. When the sun hits that coastline it is nothing short of magic, the kind of magic we hope translates into the adventures we create.

I hope you have a wonderful start to your week and I'll be back with another update once Whispers Upon the Waves has been uploaded.

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon






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