12 months ago

Project Update: Haunting Update

Haunting Progress

Hi everyone,

I hope this week is treating you well.

It is full steam ahead here on various projects. The writing for Haunting of the Everwood is going to layout at the start of next week and the Charms of the Heart NPC & magic item pack is ready to go. I'll be setting up the pledge manager today and getting that smoke test sent out and begin fulfilment on this project over the next 48 hours.

If you're still waiting for the previous adventure in the Unlock the Vault series (Legend of the SIlver Colosseum) this one will be with you in the next 48 hours. 

We've got a couple of products all closing out simultaneously and we cannot wait to get them out to you. The long-awaited Whispers Upon the Waves adventure (which turned into a 25,000+ word setting book/adventure...writers, huh?!haha) and Gizcog's Wandering Emporium with his 100 insanely cool magic item collection both heading to our backers in the course of the next 7 days. It is utter madness and we're here for it!

In Other News...

The second of our short, Celtic $1 campaigns kicks off today too - Fomorian Invasion: Silent Outpost.

These run for only 48 hours and fulfil within 4 days of campaign end. We keep them short, sweet and easy to produce all with the aim of still being able to bring the community that $1 adventure they love so much.

If you'd like to check it out, you can find it HERE.

I'll see you in the next update.

Have a great day!

Kayleigh & Team Penny Dragon




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