Hey everyone,
I wanted to let you know, as we launch Sayuri's Chest of Wonders (which you can see just went live HERE), that we're putting the finishing touches on Haunting of ...
10 months ago
New Update
Hi everyone,
We really appreciate your patience on this one (and Whispers Upon the Waves). Haunting of the Everwood upon review needed some adjustments made to the adventure an...
10 months ago
Great News - We've Got The Map!
Hi friends,
Great news - we've just received the map for Haunting of the Everwood and it is in layout right now. Tomorrow it will get the final proof and be with you all on Fri...
10 months ago
It's Almost Time!
Hi everyone,
I hope your weekend is treating you well!
A quick update for Haunting of the Everwood - the PDF is ready to go and we are just waiting for the delivery of the Har...
10 months ago
Haunting Layout Update
Hi everyone,
Great news. We have the writing for Haunting of the Everwood back and the project is in layout, so I'll be working hard to get this PDF fulfilled and uploaded thi...
11 months ago
Update for Haunting of the Everwood
Hi everyone,
Apologies for the significant delay on your PDF of Haunting of the Everwood. This one was due to go to layout shortly after my last update. I actually have the des...
I wanted to let you know, as we launch Sayuri's Chest of Wonders (which you can see just went live HERE), that we're putting the finishing touches on Haunting of the Everwood.
After changing the map around quite a bit to better suit the adventure and cleaning it up quite a bit, we're very happy with what we've got and I hope you are too!
It's almost finished its final proofread. Any changes will then go to layout. And hey, presto!
It'll be released into the wild.
We know you've been waiting a while on this one and we're excited to get it over the line. Keep an eye on your inbox for a link to the files in Backerkit (will be going out in a few hours).
I'll post another update as soon as it goes out also, in case folks miss this one!
A few screenshots to keep you going until then!
Bear in mind this is preview quality from Indesign and the final PDF will look much better :)
Sample of the unlabelled map for castle ruins in the woods...
A little taste of what kinds of tables to expect (there are lots in this one)...
Just one of several magic items in this adventure!...
Cheers, Paddy and Team Penny Dragon
P.S. We love hearing from folks who run our adventures. AND we're looking for help playtesting a few new things before they hit the press. Let us know if you're interested in playtesting.
P.P.S. If you like our magic items, don't forget about Sayuri's over HERE :)
We really appreciate your patience on this one (and Whispers Upon the Waves). Haunting of the Everwood upon review needed some adjustments made to the adventure and these have impacted the map which is now having those changes made to it too. We want only the best going out to you all and unfortunately this has taken a little bit longer than we'd hoped.
I'm not going to pin any dates on it for this week, but we are aiming to have both the writing and the map where they need to be and back in layout for final tweaks next week sometime.
We're slowing things down here in Penny Dragon land and have no campaigns running while we work at bringing these adventures up to date and onto your gaming tables.
Whispers Upon the Waves is also awaiting a couple of maps, the most complex of which was re-worked and is almost complete. Our cartographer is working on the maps for both of these adventures so upon completion these two will gave a similar timescale for release within a few days of each other.
Truly, thank you for being so patient with us as we get these adventures over the line.
Great news - we've just received the map for Haunting of the Everwood and it is in layout right now. Tomorrow it will get the final proof and be with you all on Friday.
Those of you also waiting for Whispers Upon the Waves, the maps for this adventure are also incoming, due to the detail of the city map that had to be re-done it is looking like the start of next week for this one.
Thanks again for your patience, I'll be back with an update on Friday when this PDF is fulfilled.
As always, thank you for your support on our campaigns!
A quick update for Haunting of the Everwood - the PDF is ready to go and we are just waiting for the delivery of the Harstland Dungeon map on Monday and it will then be on its way to you.
Thanks for your patience on this one, we're excited to have it and another adventure many of you are waiting for (Whispers Upon the Waves which is always awaiting maps) fulfilled next week.
A glimpse of the first few pages of Haunting...
Haunting of the Everwood