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Nijisanji Apparel - Comfy Illustrated Sweatshirts and Jet Tags!

Nijisanji Apparel - Comfy Illustrated Sweatshirts and Jet Tags!

Represent your oshis with fashion and comfort! These sweatshirts and jet tags are designed with bold, detailed illustrations of some of the coolest vtubers around.
$7,295 🎉
of $3,000 (USD) goal
Project Ended
Ended on at




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*Please note that the designs for Millie, Kyo, and Doppio are NOT final and are concept drafts. Linework will be finalized (like Selen and Elira) once their respective funding goals are met.

Above gives an idea on what the jet tags will look like once produced. These are Luxiem members that I produced last year, which are also available to pledge for during campaign as well as my online store!
Campaign Timeline (as of 2/3/24)
  • February 7 - Campaign Launches
  • February 28 - Campaign Ends
  • Early March - Surveys are sent out
  • March - BackerKit store opens (if most goals are met)
  • Late March - Production Begins
  • April 15 - Surveys are due
  • May - Products Arrive, Quality Check Begins
  • Late May - Fulfillment/Shipping Begins

Please note that these dates are roughly estimated and delays can occur. Please check back here often for the most up to date information on where the campaign is currently at!

Meowdy! I'm Alivia, the illustrative mastermind behind PaletteGhost. I love vtubers, especially Nijisanji EN. Ever since I came up with my first sweatshirt design that debuted at Anime Expo 2023, I couldn't keep the idea out of my head of wanting to make more Nijisanji apparel, especially since I have already sold out of my first batch. I soon realized after the fact, that this is because there is a lack in Niji apparel (especially ones that can be fashionable!). I knew with this in mind, I had get to work and make the my own line of illustrative apparel that's fun to wear while representing our favorite oshis.

There is one problem: manufacturing sweatshirts is very expensive! I can't afford to pay for the production costs on my own, so this is where I ask for you help via crowdfunding. If you have made it this far and have already pledged, a huge thank you to you! POG you!
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