Peanut Bucker and Friends Plush Production is finished!
I got the notification that the Peanut Bucker and Friends plush are finally done production wise!
I will update everyone again once I find out how long shipping will take fo...
OtherWorld Menagerie
about 1 month ago
Plush in Production! - Late Update
The Peanut Bucker and Friends plush are still in production! I will update everyone again once I know when they will ship to me or if anything else comes up.
The manu fo...
OtherWorld Menagerie
3 months ago
Plush in Production soon!
Just a quick update that the Peanut Bucker and Friends Plush will be in production soon.
I will post another update once I know about how long it will take and how ...
OtherWorld Menagerie
4 months ago
Peanut Bucker and Friends Group Photo!
Just wanted to share a group photo of all the plush together!
We are working on finalizing some things and then the big plush order will be put in by the end of ...
OtherWorld Menagerie
4 months ago
Proxy and Larson have arrived!
The Proxy and Larson prototypes have arrived!
I will be doing a big photoshoot with them and all of the others this weekend while I'm at Ironton Wizardfest. I will have ...
OtherWorld Menagerie
4 months ago
Proxy Plush Final Look! - Survey Reminder - Card Reminder
We got an updated photo of Proxy!
Her and Larson are now on their way to me! I will do a big photoshoot with them and the others once they arrive.
--- Surveys and Cards ---
I got the notification that the Peanut Bucker and Friends plush are finally done production wise!
I will update everyone again once I find out how long shipping will take for the plush to get to me. And yes Proxy is done as well, I just was not sent photos yet.
--- Pre-Order Store ---
If you missed out on getting one of the plush during the campaign last year our pre-order store for them is still open! We have a limited amount available so now is the best time to snag one. You can pre-order them here ->
The Peanut Bucker and Friends plush are still in production! I will update everyone again once I know when they will ship to me or if anything else comes up.
The manu for the plush is currently on their New Years holiday break. So the soonest I might hear something is early February.
Sorry about the late update on this as well, the last bit of 2024 was a bit rough for me. My bestie of 20 years brain cancer came back after a decade, thankfully it seems to be responding to chemo. He actually helped found TrotCon with me way back in 2012.
And then another close friend of mine found out she had leukemia (blood cancer) in December. And again thankfully the chemo is working really well.
I will be doing a big photoshoot with them and all of the others this weekend while I'm at Ironton Wizardfest. I will have them all on display at the event and the sign up for for how to pre-order for anyone there.