James Bell
over 1 year ago

Project Update: The World Below Provides!

The World Below provides... and we are worthy!

We did it! We built a community, explored the dark recesses of this underworld, and brought light and life to some new places in preparation for our Kalm season!

Thanks to the support of more than 1,000 backers, Onyx Path will be able to develop and print hardcover editions (standard and deluxe) for The World Below, a brand new game using the Storypath Ultra ruleset.

A lotta great stuff coming from this one! I'm a big fan of new and unusual, and this game certainly delivers!

There's more to celebrate! Not only did we fund this project by Day 3, we also unlocked a variety of fun Stretch Goals. From standard Onyx Path milestone markers to a Monstrous Ecology PDF by Ed Greenwood, to an epic adventure path for your delvers!

All is well, Liches!
It came down to the final hours, but we managed to hit our longshot final goal, adding an epic conclusion to our adventure scenario supplement.

Our Bonus Reward Collection

Some Milestone Markers

An Alternative Add On

Online Gaming Tools

Additional and Expanded New Content Supplements!

A lucky 13 Stretch Goal rewards!

I'm so happy we were able to introduce - and then unlock - that final Stretch Goal just today! It will really put an epic conclusion to an adventure in the World Below! I mean, we were at eleven just yesterday! Always awesome to unlock one final Stretch Goal as we head into the final hours.

Those celebrations and milestone markers along the way are fun - I certainly like having something to mark our accomplishments during the campaign and they help keep the enthusiasm up. But I really really love when we can add additional content, especially an a chance for the writers to light up some dark places and show us more of The World Below! And I think I've made it pretty clear how excited I am for more Ed Greenwood ecology writing!

And all of that is, of course, on top of our main purpose here - the creating of the actual book itself! This is the real reward - everything else is a bonus!

So a huge congratulations to Matthew and the creative team on this project, and to all of the backers who've joined in to make this possible. I'm happy about the goals we hit and rewards we introduced, but I'm also always amazed and excited about having more than 1,000 backers join in during this campaign. A new game - especially one as unusual and interesting as this one - is always a risk. But when a game finds and builds a community, it's extra rewarding. And this is just the beginning, I'm sure...


So, thank you to all the backers who supported us and made this happen. And an extra thanks to everyone who participated online, either in the Community comments section of the campaign, and on social media around the web. Thanks to everyone who talked about the project on the Discord and thanks to the Onyx Path team who answered questions and provided insight.


So, as noted in today's earlier update, starting in 2024 I'll be sending out updates once a month and whenever we've got a new goal, survey, or other item to cover. If you have any questions or need clarification on something related to the campaign, feel free to get in touch. I may take a bit to answer as I recover from these past four weeks, but I'll eventually have an answer!


  • Via E-Mail: Onyx.Kickstarter [at] gmail.com
  • Via BackerKit: Click "Need Help?" from your forthcoming survey page, and then fill in the Contact Us form. BackerKit will pass your message along to me.


If you've got questions about the rules or setting, or just want to discuss this game with other fans (as well as the Onyx Path writers and developers!), you can check out these Onyx Path discussion zones:

The World Below Provides!

The Discord is particularly lively, and I loved seeing the detective work put into the mysteries of The World Below as the chapters came out bit by bit. 

BackerKit will begin collected pledges and processing payments later tonight, so be ready for that.

If I wasn't already tired enough, I'm off to get my flu shot for the season, so expect to hibernate for the next 24 hours! High fives all around in the comment section and on the Discord, and you'll hear from me again in the new year when I've got the pledge manager set up and ready to roll out!

(So happy holidays and happy new year well in advance!)


user avatar image for Matthew Dawkins





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