James Bell
over 1 year ago

Project Update: Backers Draft Manuscript Part 5 - Dangers and Subsystems!

I write this quietly and over an extended period. 

I cannot allow myself to be found. 

Kalm came, all right. No Kaos storms surged through our hidden city, no fear of that. But with the Kalm emerged hundreds of creatures… People, I suppose, with arachnid forms. Are these the haemexii? Is this one of their cities?

Joanne, Fyrn, and I remain hidden in the cellar, or tomb, of a temple to some serpent god. Do the haemexii worship snakes? Should I feel safer than I do, for my scales and tail?

There’s no point risking exposure. We have provisions to last a month if we’re careful. We have Syntheses and Sorceries to nourish ourselves and keep ourselves healthy while we outlast this sudden invasion.

Are we the invaders, in fact? I suppose so, if this is a haemexii home…

I am determined to survive. I am determined to reach Telver’s Hearth and tell my family I love them. I am determined to return Fyrn and Joanne to theirs.

This will not be my last writing.

 Hello Diggers,

We're in the Final Days countdown for this Crowdfunding campaign. The World Below finishes the crowdfunding campaign on Tuesday, November 14th at 2:00 PM EST. There's still time to Inspire others to help brighten up the darkness, but we're definitely getting closer to the finish line. With that in mind, I wanted to touch on some of the basics over these final four days to make sure everyone has the information they need to support this project in the way that works best for them.

Final Days Schedule

Whether you're a veteran of many Kaos storms or just prepping for your first Kalm season, these are some good topics to review over this week to make sure we all end up where we want to be. If you're looking at this update and deciding whether or not to join, please click on the Pledge Tier Review link to get a better idea of which rewards are included in our pledge tiers.

(An aside, if you're a new backer, make sure you check out our Final Week Countdown / Resource Update. It has links to interviews, podcasts, and a ton of Actual Play sessions.)

Yesterday was a pretty great day in terms of Stretch Goals! We actually unlocked two, including one that was just introduced yesterday!

ACHIEVED! - At $50,000 in Funding – WORLD BELOW VTT TOKEN PACK – Digital assets will be created to support online play for The World Below, including key character and creature tokens from the book. This online asset pack will be added to the rewards list of all backers.

We find ourselves, once again, *so close* to unlocking our next Stretch Goal! This is one that I'm very excited about!

At $52,000 in Funding – ED GREENWOOD’S MOUNSTROUS ECOLOGY PART 2 – Ed Greenwood returns with an examination of the aberrant horrors, cosmic nightmares, and dreamlike phenomena of the World Below in the second part of our ecology book. 

Tomorrow I'll be reviewing our Stretch Goal successes thus far. Will I be adding one more to our list of accomplishments and maybe unveiling a final Stretch Goal target? Let's keep at it and tune in tomorrow!


For backers just joining us or checking out this project in it's final hours, we have now shared the ENTIRE draft manuscript of this project, so you are able to read the contents of this book from front to back before any pledges are processed or payments collected. A perfect Kalm season activity!

Today we've got the 5th installment, which covers the final two chapters - 
  • Chapter Ten: Dangers in the World Below - This chapter provides traits for a huge number of horrifying antagonists and their Antitheses, along with environmental hazards, and guidance on how to increase the mounting tension in this fantasy game.

  • Appendix: Subsystems and Tables - This chapter contains optional systems a Storyguide and player group familiar with this game and its system may wish to use to augment their gameplay, from rules for exploration and excavation, to cartography and realm building. 



We crowdfund these projects because Backers Make It Better, and sharing the draft manuscript sections allow us to note errata or point out parts that need clarification. Onyx Path has created a special The World Below Feedback Form that you can use to submit any corrections or comments directly to the development and writing team so they can have some guidance during the next rounds of development and editing.

To submit Feedback directly to the writers and developers, please use this form, which you can access here <THE WORLD BELOW MANUSCRIPT FEEDBACK FORM>


Remember, thanks to BackerKit magic, these download link are visible to Backers only - you must be logged in and reading this on the website to have access to the manuscript preview links. So, if you're reading this via e-mail, click that "Reply to this Update" link on the bottom and I'll see you below the title treatment...

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content
Ed Greenwood returns with an examination of the aberrant horrors, cosmic nightmares, and dreamlike phenomena
Goal: $52,000 reached! — We did it! This project reached this goal!





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