James Bell
over 1 year ago

Project Update: FUNDED! - And Now Stretch Goals

The siege lasted four Kalms and everything between. Thousands died so we might live. Killed in battle, captured and dragged away, enslaved to fight against us. But we endured. The walls stood and the strongest survived to draw breath. Fortress. This is our Fortress. Nobody will lay claim to all we sacrificed for it.

Hello Diggers!

Is explorers the best nickname we can have for backers? Let me know if you've got an idea that's better! The more awful the pun, the more likely I am to adopt it!

But that's sort of a side-chasm to explore. Because the BIG NEWS is...


Thanks to your support, The World Below will begin the journey from a draft manuscript to a fully-developed PDF and hardcover release, launching a brand new gameline for Onyx Path! Amazing job!

Now, just like the heroes and characters of The World Below, we must continue to explore! The World Below provides... but only if we continue to dig!

So, let me just update my wardrobe...

... and let's set some new goals to tunnel towards.

As we increase the overall funding and support for the project, we’re able to add additional resources to the project, expand the rewards listed, and add in new offers and opportunities. Each Stretch Goal will have a target that, once reached, will add a project to the reward list for backers of the relevant Stretch Goal path. Soon, we'll have some graphics done up for these stretch goals, and we'll update the image as we unlock them!

Our first Stretch Goal will be a regular Onyx Path celebration. This first goal will help us maintain our pace, marshal our resources, and maintain our trajectory. For those who've backed previous Onyx Path projects, it's a familiar option for expanding your wardrobe, though I wish it would utilize a discard carapace or some kind of glowing mushroom.

At $32,000 in Funding – WORLD BELOW T-SHIRT ON REDBUBBLE – A World Below-themed Backer shirt will be hosted on Onyx Path’s Redbubble store for a limited time. Only backers will be notified when the shirt becomes available for purchase.

As we saw in our first manuscript preview, Chapter 3 of The World Below is something of a guide for players to create their characters. Within that chapter, you've got guideposts and checklists and something of a path you can follow to get to your end results.

So, our second goal will be something like that... except maybe for Storyguides? Something to help show the way toward telling their own tale of The World Below. An example, an outline, some kind of path to follow... for their story. A Storypath, if you will.

At $34,000 in Funding – DELVING DEEP INTO THE WORLD BELOW – A starting scenario to play or serve as an example for a World Below Storyguide. Our first adventure concerns the most common field of play: venturing from the safety of one's settlement to explore, face dangers, and hopefully return with resources to strengthen one's communities. Expect some surprises in this one! This World Below Adventure Supplement PDF will be added to the rewards list of all backers receiving The World Below PDF as one of their rewards.

OK, we've funded the book, now let's see if we can unlock the a starting scenario to help Storyguides build their tales, and then let's see if we can add some more new content with additional goals!

If you've just joined in, don't forget to check out the COMMUNITY tab on the Crowdfunding page. Our first update contains a link to the first preview from our Draft Manuscript, and we'll be sharing the entire manuscript in sections over the course of the campaign. 



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