Honored Citizen

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters PDF (+ print code)
  • ×1
    Quintessential Bestiary PDF (+Print Code)
  • ×1
    Honorary Citizen (Full NPC Character block with Bust art)
Become a citizen of Evrich! Work with us to create a memorable NPC who has a place in the city. Comes with custom artwork (bust) and an NPC character block.

Includes a copy of the quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters (PDF + Print Code) and the Quintessential Bestiary (PDF). Does Not include the special cemetery spot (since your character will be alive).
-Shipping for all pledges will be collected by DrivethruRPG when (and if) you decide to pick up a physical copy.-

Honored Citizen


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