Remembered Citizen

Includes 3 items

  • ×1
    Quintessential Guide to Urban Encounters PDF (+ print code)
  • ×1
    Quintessential Bestiary PDF (+Print Code)
  • ×1
    Remembered citizen ( A special place in the graveyard with Cause of Death and artwork)
Not only will you receiveeverything from the lower pledges, you'll be getting a special place on Everrich's cemetery, reserved for only the most wicked causes of death in and around the city.

We will work with you to come up with a personalized cause of death and have a rough sketch made of your character. We'll also have a special section in the book for this, together with some great artwork.

-Shipping for all pledges will be collected by DrivethruRPG when (and if) you decide to pick up a physical copy.-

Remembered Citizen


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