Charles Ryan
4 months ago

Project Update: You HAVE to See this Dice Box! (Plus Early Access News)

Hello, backers!

We have something very, very cool to show you—but before we do, here’s a general update on The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game.

Corebook Status

The manuscript is complete, has been edited, and has been approved by the fine folk at Rusty Quill. We’ve also had loads of fantastic, creepy artwork making its way through the pipeline. Here are a couple of examples—we’ll show off some more in future updates.

Layout is in full swing and we’re on schedule for our autumn delivery!

Early Access News

Did you back for early access? Great news: we’re ready to share the rules with you. Look for a fulfillment message in the days to come.

Now Look at This Dice Box!

In our last update we showed you a mockup of the dice box. Now take a look at this!

That’s the final pre-production sample of the dice box. We’ve given the factory our thumbs-up, and it moves into production in the next couple of weeks. (Why is production of this item so far ahead of the main game and other rewards? It’s the item with the longest production time, but also an item that could be designed and prototyped before the game itself was fully designed. So we were able to start early to ensure it will be delivered around the same time as the game itself.)

Believe it or not, this booksafe-style dice box is even more stunning in person than the video conveys. We couldn’t be more excited about how this turned out—I think you’ll be amazed at how awesome it is, particularly at the price charged through the campaign.

Did you miss out on the dice set and this gorgeous box?
If they aren’t among your rewards, don’t panic: You can still get your hands on them. This is a limited-edition item that won’t be widely available in the future, but because this turned out so much cooler even than we’d imagined, we’re making sure every backer has a chance to reserve the dice box and dice. Here’s how:

  • If you’ve already completed the pledge manager, you can’t make changes there. However, we’ve created a secret product on the MCG Shop. Follow this link, and you can purchase the dice box there. (It will be fulfilled this fall, at the same time we fulfill those that were pledged for through the campaign or pledge manager.)
  • If you haven’t already completed the pledge manager, go do it now, and you can grab the dice set, with the amazing booksafe dice box, either as an add-on or by upgrading your pledge to the Avatar or Entity pledge level.
  • (Unsure of your rewards and add-ons? You can check by logging on to the pledge manager.)

We Are Charging Cards This Week

If you’ve completed the pledge manager in the past couple of months and made any changes to your pledge (pledge upgrades or add-ons), please note that we’re going to lock those orders this today and charge your credit card. (This goes for folks who made pre-orders, too.)

The Magnus Archives Roleplaying Game
, and the many other great items you funded through this campaign, are getting closer and closer to becoming a reality. We’re looking forward excitedly to having this game in our hands—and getting it into yours!

Thanks again for your support!
—Team MCG

While we have you:

Are You a D&D Player?

You may have heard: 2024 marks the 50th anniversary of the world’s first roleplaying game. The one that spawned the entire pastime—the entire industry! The game that launched millions of players into the hobby, and thousands of gaming professionals into their careers—many of us, here at MCG, included! Dungeons & Dragons holds a special place in the hearts of almost every tabletop RPG player.

So MCG is celebrating with a big sale on our 5E-compatible products. Given this momentous 50th anniversary, it seems like such a sale deserves and equally momentous discount. How about up to 50% off? Seems like a good fit for a 50th anniversary. Our big 5E sale is going on now!

user avatar image for Kate Evans




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