Midnight Springs
about 1 month ago

Project Update: Cards have been charged + moths are shipping!

Hey everyone,

Thankfully, moths are at least PARTIALLY done before their holiday!

The rest of the pins they were not able to get the printing done for, before they shut everything down for the holiday/ports stop accepting packages. Menhera was done too but they printed it wrong, so it will be in the 2nd shipment. That means the rest will ship probably mid-February.

I still have to make sure everything looks good and sort after they arrive. To be honest that's going to take longer than expected, however I'm not sure what exactly that means. I have been dealing with a medical emergency but even the ER couldn't manage my pain, I have to wait to see a specialist...and the earliest they could get me in was Feb 28th. While I am on their waitlist, I really am going to need to be annoying and call back daily to see if they can fit me in earlier. If I can't have this effectively dealt with by the time these pins arrive, I am going to really struggle with fulfillment. The doctor I saw in the ER also tried to fast-track my referral so we'll see - but my PCP also won't even fit me in until March so I'm in serious limbo here.
Ultimately, it's looking like as many pledges as possible (as in, the included designs were in the first shipment) will be fully sorted and with the pins graded by mid-February, but I'm not sure how many will have already shipped by then due to my health. The good news is that both freebie pins are included in this first shipment, if they were not, way fewer would be possible to sort out in the meantime. 

Also, catmoths will be paid for immediately upon the collected funds from surveys reaching my account! I have not received those funds yet.

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