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The Whole Danged Meldar16 Bibliography! - Print + PDF
0 Backers
You'll receive Print + PDF copies of this game, and every other Meldar16 release!
Includes 16 items
×1PDF copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
×1PDF copy of Cosmonauts & Crystal Balls
×1PDF copy of I Got A Knife
×1PDF copy of Beans Beans The Flammable Fruit
×1Print copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
x10 Copies for Retailers & Distributors
0 Backers
10 Copies at Wholesale Pricing
Includes 10 items
×10Print copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
Print + PDF Game Bundle
2 Backers
Print & PDFs of this game, plus the other standalone Meldar16 games Cosmonauts & Crystal Balls, I Got A Knife, and Beans Beans The Flammable Fruit.
Includes 8 items
×1PDF copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
×1PDF copy of Cosmonauts & Crystal Balls
×1PDF copy of I Got A Knife
×1PDF copy of Beans Beans The Flammable Fruit
×1Print copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
Print + PDF!
6 Backers
You'll receive both print & PDF copies of this zine.
Includes 2 items
×1PDF copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
×1Print copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
The Whole Danged Meldar16 Bibliography! - PDF only
0 Backers
You'll receive PDFs of this game, and every other Meldar16 release!
Includes 8 items
×1PDF copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
×1PDF copy of Cosmonauts & Crystal Balls
×1PDF copy of I Got A Knife
×1PDF copy of Beans Beans The Flammable Fruit
×1PDFs of Atera Redux Zine Issues 1-5
PDF Game Bundle
0 Backers
PDFs of this game, plus the other standalone Meldar16 games Cosmonauts & Crystal Balls, I Got A Knife, and Beans Beans the Flammable Fruit
Includes 4 items
×1PDF copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
×1PDF copy of Cosmonauts & Crystal Balls
×1PDF copy of I Got A Knife
×1PDF copy of Beans Beans The Flammable Fruit
PDF Only Copy!
4 Backers
You'll receive a PDF copy of this zine. All backers will gain access at,, and a google drive link.
Includes 1 item
×1PDF copy of Vapid Venus Ventures
Why? Because We Like You!
1 Backer
This is just to support us!
Includes 1 item