Hey Vapid Venus Ventures backers!
Emails are out about fulfillment! So go download your PDFs, and respond with your mailing addresses!
Meldar16 Games
6 days ago
Nuts to Tariffs
As you may have heard, the USA has placed tariffs today on goods from several countries. News is also reporting the possibility of retaliatory tariffs placed by other countri...
Meldar16 Games
9 days ago
Campaign Over! What's Next?
We funded and our campaign is done! Thanks so much to our backers!
Next step is charging all your cards. You probably already got the automated email about that from Backerk...
Meldar16 Games
14 days ago
Test print teaser & last week left!
First off, we want to thank all our backers so far! You put us across the finish line to being funded, and your love is what keeps us going!
If you can, please share our cam...
Meldar16 Games
21 days ago
Less than 2 weeks left!
Woo hoo! Zine Month is flying by! Less than 2 weeks left on Vapid Venus Ventures!
We are fully funded, but the more we make, the bigger our initial print run can be! Here's...
Meldar16 Games
about 1 month ago
Moar Zine Month!
A bunch of the Zine Month projects here on backer kit have launched today! Go check them out!
Don't forget to back our lil zine here, and our cross-collab partner's zine, Arlo the Artisan!
As you may have heard, the USA has placed tariffs today on goods from several countries. News is also reporting the possibility of retaliatory tariffs placed by other countries.
Quite frankly, Meldar16 doesn't give a darn, and we will not be making any changes post-campaign for our pricing. We're so happy that our backers took a chance on Vapid Venus Ventures. We still plan on having the pledge manager and shipping completed shortly. We're keeping our shipping costs in line with the estimates in our pledges, and if they get higher than that, we'll eat the difference.
Getting that pledge manager out to you is a complicated process, but we're trying to rush this all out ASAP. So thanks again to our backers! We'll be in touch soon!
We funded and our campaign is done! Thanks so much to our backers!
Next step is charging all your cards. You probably already got the automated email about that from Backerkit. We're setting that in motion within the next 24 hours, so if you want to make any changes to your pledge, right now is the time.
After your cards are charged, you will also receive an email to fill out the pledge manager. We hope to have that out to you within a week, and the pledge manager will get your shipping info & emails to send the print & PDF copies to everyone.
The very good news is that we not only managed to complete the game, but we already did the initial print run for fulfillment.
Ignore what a bad picture taker Sean is!
What's to be done still for Mel and Sean? We still have our Cross-Collab reward to complete. Thank you so much to everyone that also backed Arlo The Artisan! We're still working on it, and are on schedule to have it done by the time we're ready to ship. We love having a little extra easter egg for everyone that backed both!
Only other thing is for me (Sean) to get the pledge manager out to everyone. I'm working on it literally right now after posting this, so expect that this week!
And again, thanks a million to our fans and backers! We're very very happy with how Vapid Venus Ventures turned out, and think you'll all have a lot of fun with it!
First off, we want to thank all our backers so far! You put us across the finish line to being funded, and your love is what keeps us going!
If you can, please share our campaign on social media! The more backers we have, the bigger our initial print run! We have only 5 days left on the campaign, and this is the cheapest we'll be offering Vapid Venus Ventures!
Finally, on to the big show! Here are a couple spreads with gibberish text to show how the game will look, and a test print we did! So we are right on track with actually having a finished game! We'll spend the rest of the month finishing up our Cross-Collab extras, and printing printing printing!
The real text will have your writing prompt.
This is a 2 page spread for the How To Play section.
Woo hoo! Zine Month is flying by! Less than 2 weeks left on Vapid Venus Ventures!
We are fully funded, but the more we make, the bigger our initial print run can be! Here's another little art sneak peak. We're still on track to have this released March 2025, and might even have copies ready in time for GameFace Con (March 8-9 in Baltimore)!
The space station Cupid 16 in orbit above Venus!
If you haven't already backed this, now's the time!
I'm also happy to say that our cross-collab partners have also funded! Their campaign is over, but they're planning on having PDFs of their game Arlo the Artisan available later! Anyone who already backed both of us is guaranteed to get our lil extras!