Draw Steel, Roll Power, DICE!

Draw Steel, Roll Power, DICE!

Our new game requires some dice and we have just the thing...
$317,178 🎉
of $25,000
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New Dice for a New Game

Hey folks! MCDM is making cool new dice for our cool new game!
Draw Steel™ (aka The MCDM RPG) uses 2d10 for most of its rolls. You probably already have several d10s that will do the job just fine. There’s nothing unique about any of our dice, you can absolutely use the regular dice you have sitting around.

The Works | Prototype Rendering

But, strictly speaking, the d10 is not a platonic solid. Is that important? No! Not really. But waaay back in the day, back in the 1970s, dice manufacturers didn’t make 10-sided dice. They sold 20-sided dice numbered 0-9, twice. These were mostly sold to classrooms for teaching probability, but gaming nerds quickly glommed onto them and used them as d10s while they waited for someone to invent a real d10.

Collectable d10 from Garycon given to Matt Colville by Luke Gygax

It is $20 for a basic set of these Draw Steel dice with a few more elaborate options for people who want to get their hands on something collectible. A set of Draw Steel Dice is 2d10 + 1d3.

A set of Draw Steel Dice is two 20-sided d10s and a 6-sided d3

20-sided d10

Some folks think the 20-sided d10 just rolls better, but we love them because they, like us, are delightfully old-school.  So we’re making our own 20-sided d10s! Old school dice for a new-school game!

We’re partnering with the awesome folks at Chessex® to manufacture these Djordice; so named because Djordi, one of our senior designers, bought a ton of these off etsy so he could use them in our playtests. Chessex® has been around forever and for those of us with a long history in this hobby it’s amazingly cool to get to work with them.

6-sided d3

The Fury uses 1d3 on their turn to generate their rage, and it’s easy to just use a d6 and divide by two, but we thought–since we’re making our own cool dice for the d10s–we might as well make an actual d3!

It’s just a d6 labeled 1-3 twice, but since it fits the theme of this dice crowdfunder (dicefunder?) we thought it’d be fun to include it.

Hero Dice Boxes

Each Hero Dice Box is themed for an Iconic Hero we developed for five of the core classes in Draw Steel. So it’s not just a box of Tactician dice, it’s a box of dice for Sir John, Knight of Tor, the iconic tactician. It’s got his art on the box, a unique quote from him, AND a QR code you can scan and you can get Sir John’s unique Title in Draw Steel. We made unique titles, each with their own dope Power Roll just for this dice set. Which you can use in your own game IF you qualify for them which…is not easy to do because these are some high level characters.

All Five Hero Dice Boxes | Prototype Rendering

We are making 5 hero dice boxes, each priced at $20 and each containing two custom 20-sided d10s and one 6-sided d3.

A Mist Curls Around Dying Embers



Sir John of Tor

Sir Vaantikalisax

If you want the full set, you can buy a bundle of All Five Hero Boxes and get a $10 discount.

Good King Omund's Box of Dice

A box for Directors, aka Good King Omund's Box of Dice and THESE are sort of the star of the show. You get all five sets of dice, not in the individual Hero boxes, but you do get a dope King Omund Dice Box where the lid is also a dice tray. But that’s not all! You also get two special dice just for the director. These are two 20-sided d10s…but they are unique, 3D printed dice with the actual heraldic device of Good King Omund IN the die. So, that same symbol you see on the Dragon Knight’s shield? It’s INSIDE the clear plastic die! And you get two of those in the Good King Omund box. (Titles for each of the 5 Iconic Heroes are included in the box)

King Omund's Box of Dice | Prototype Rendering

So the Good King Omund box comes with those unique 3D printed dice AND all five sets of dice, so it’s basically a whole table’s worth of dice in one go, but if for some reason you want EVERYTHING meaning the Director’s box with the special dice AND the five hero boxes, there’s a pledge just for The Works.

Good King Omund's 3D Printed d10. | Prototype Rendering

Just the Dice

We believe that the presentation we have put together is well worth the cost, but we also understand that there are people out there that just want dice and would prefer not to spend extra on packaging. This being the case we are offering two "just the dice" add-ons that will come in a small blister pack or plastic bag.

All Five Hero Dice Sets - Just the Dice
  1. (2x) d10s & (1x) d3 in Chessex® Luminary™ Sky/silver
  2. (2x) d10s & (1x) d3 in Chessex® Nebula® Nocturnal™/blue Luminary™
  3. (2x) d10s & (1x) d3 in Chessex® Vortex® Burgundy/gold
  4. (2x) d10s & (1x) d3 in Chessex® Scarab® Blue Blood™/gold
  5. (2x) d10s & (1x) d3 in Chessex® Phantom® Teal/gold

Good King Omund's Dice - Just the Dice
  •  (2x) d10s - 3D printed with the heraldic device of Good King Omund IN the die

*You will need to pledge at the $1 Backerkit Pledge Manager Access Tier then select these options as an add-on.

Timeline & Risks

If we fund, it won’t be a year or 18 months before you get you’re dice. We already have the designs and have put in our orders for manufacturing.

Because we know that we want dice we started on this project as soon as we have a locked down design for the core rules of Draw Steel. That means that over the past few months we designed prototypes for the packaging and dice and last week we kicked off the manufacturing process. There are still things that can go wrong, but we have put in a lot of effort to solve as many challenges as possible before we launched this campaign.

As we said above, we have never made dice before, but we have partnered with the experts at Chessex® and Cook + Becker to improve the odds of making a fantastic product that we are all proud of.

Right now we expect the dice and boxes to arrive at our EU warehouse around the 20th of December, that means we expect to start shipping to backers after we return from our holiday break.

Additionally, due to complications with shipping to these regions, backers in Brazil, Guam, Israel, & Puerto Rico will be fulfilled after all other backers.

Get ready to Roll Power!

Who is MCDM?

It's possible that this is your first time hearing about us. Over the past 6 years MCDM Productions has released a number of TTRPG products for your table:

The MCDM Team:
  • Grace Cheung - Artist
  • James Introcaso - Lead Game Designer
  • Jason Hasenauer - Art & Art Direction
  • Jerod Bennett - Technology
  • Josh Gertz - Production
  • Lars Bakke - Development and Production
  • Matthew Colville - Writing and Design
  • Nick De Spain - Art & Art Outsource Management
  • Robert "Djordi" Djordjevich - Senior Game Designer
  • Willy - Muse, Debonair, Scamp, and Senior Game Designer

Legal Stuff

Chessex, Nebula, Phantom, Scarab, and Vortex are registered trademarks of Chessex Manufacturing.
Luminary, Blue Blood, and Nocturnal are trademarks of Chessex Manufacturing.
Draw Steel is a Trademark of MCDM Productions LLC.
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