Maybels Art
5 months ago

Project Update: Final Stretch: Frequent Questions and what happens after

HELLO everyone <3
We are in to the final few days, and I am still constantly blown away by the support for this project! We're nearing 10k and whilst I don't have anything planned straight away I will see what the money left over is like after final counts and see what we can do :3

As we are nearing the end, I've seen a few repeat questions i wanna address:

1. The new constellations aren't available for add on right now, can I still get them?
A: YES! All pins are available as add-ons through the survey, any pins you've already picked as extras will be there also

2. Shipping?
A: Shipping will be charged via the survey, I have the amounts that'll be charged on the campaign page. A tracking add on will be available again through the survey <3

The survey will be sent asap after the campaign closes on the 18th, so I can get all the final counts for ordering! Surveys will only be open for a short time until April 30th. The quicker I can get counts, the quicker I can order and then the quicker I can get the pins to you :3

Remember if you want the free pin from my campaign to check out and back my partners campaign!
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