Maybels Art
5 months ago

Project Update: And thats a wrap!

Thank you everyone! we ended at just over 11k which is wild!!

The project ended just before I fell asleep last night (just GMT London tings) so I missed a quick update there! AS you will have noticed probably backerkit has started to collect payments, it does this in waves, so I can see how much has yet to be charged/how much has etc. 

If your payment has failed, backerkit retries it in a week, I believe, and then after that I should also be able to try failed cards again. If your payment has failed, and you'd like to try something like PayPal instead please comment and let me know, I will do my best to reach out to any failed backers once backerkits 2 tries have gone to see what you want to do 

the survey side is off for review, should take 2 days. Really they don't want us sending them till 2 weeks pass, but as I've said I'd rather have my counts to order pins asap. If things change ill put out an update asap BUT hopefully surveys should start sending Monday/Tuesday time 

I think that's everything covered! Any questions please ask <3 




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