The Treasure Trove! - Books 1-5 of The Vault of Kings

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    Book 1: A Light in the Darkness
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    Book 2: Alliance
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    Book 3: The Tree of Life
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    Book 4: The Temple of Air
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    Book 5: The Scorched Lands
Paperback copies of books 1-5 of The Vault of Kings

Book 1 - A Light in the Darkness: 

For ten years, the dark mage Maelos has shrouded Evendreil in darkness and oppression. With no hope in sight, many are struggling to survive; others pray that their luck will remain. In searching for answers, Sylas stumbles upon an ancient artifact--a mysterious silver amulet--that confirms the reality of the fabled Vault of Kings.

Hoping to overthrow Maelos and end his evil reign, Sylas and his companions set off to find the legendary elemental stones of power that are needed to unlock the door to the vault. 

If they are to succeed in their quest, they must first learn to master the ancient art of Magick in all of its basic forms: Light, Darkness, Water, Fire, Nature, and Air. Then they must pray that whatever secret is contained in the Vault of Kings will be enough to give them the edge that they need to defeat the most powerful dark mage that the world has ever seen.

Book 2 - Alliance: 

Gelendor has fallen. Darkness has descended once again. Despite the danger, Torren has decided to stay in Gelendor to try and form a secret rebellion while the others make their journey towards Sindmyr, the Capital of Light. Once there, Sylas and Samara will need to convince the King of Sindmyr to join their cause and fight back against the armies of Maelos.
To be successful, the two young mages will not only need to continue to master the ancient art of Light Magick, but also uncover an ancient secret that has been hidden away beneath the City of Light for generations. A secret that could prove deadly to any who attempt to wield it.
Most importantly, Sylas will need to prove that he is worthy to obtain the Stone of Light and unite it with the ancient silver amulet. With two Elemental Stones of power at his side, Sylas will bring himself one step closer to completing the key to the Vault of Kings. One step closer to unlocking the powerful secret that's been hidden from the world for over a thousand years. Gelendor has fallen to Darkness, but in the Light... 
...there is still hope.

Book 3 - The Tree of Life: 

An alliance with the Light has been formed. However, if Sylas and the others are to succeed in their quest to take back Gelendor, they will need to recruit another strong ally. As they embark upon the adventurous and dangerous path towards Winjjrith, the capital of Air, Sylas and Samara will confront strange creatures, find ancient wonders, and participate in the festival of WindSong, Winjjrith’s most sacred celebration. The people of Air are powerful, yet peaceful. It will take something miraculous to convince them to break their era of relative peace to go to war.
Meanwhile, Torren and the Treespeakers begin to uncover their own mysteries in Gelendor... A sacred wonder, hidden since the world began. Sylas and Samara must be swift in gaining the alliance of the people of Air if they are to save their friend before it’s too late.
Sylas carries with him a secret, one whispered to him during the battle in which Gelendor lost. A secret about the Tree of Life, and with it, the location of the Stone of Nature. To defeat the army of Darkness, Sylas will need to harness the power of Air, the very first of all the Magick elements. After that, he must gain the alliance of warriors of Winjjrith and hope it will be enough to take back the city that he loves so much.

Book 4 - The Temple of Air: 

The Great Tree of Gelendor is living on borrowed time. To keep the sacred wonder alive, Sylas and the others must continue to find the elemental stones of power before it's too late. The Stone of Air is rumored to be hidden in one of the world's most ancient structures: a temple build by the original Kings themselves, dedicated to the first King, Zephyr. In order to get there, Sylas and his companions must cross a mysterious lake, enter a forbidden land protected by ancient Magick, face deadly creatures, and overcome their darkest fears. No one has entered the Temple of Zephyr since the Era of Kings - what ancient dangers could await them at their destination?
Dark secrets and ancient mysteries unfold as Sylas and his companions embark on their most dangerous adventure yet. If they are so succeed in their quest, not only will they need to uncover the mysteries of the Temple of Zephyr, but they must also discover who they truly are in the process. 

Book 5 - The Scorched Lands: 

The hot desert sands of the Scorched Lands prove deadly as Sylas and his companions search for the Stone of Fire. Disaster strikes as Sky falls unconscious from the brutal heat, just as a band of strange warriors come to capture the weary heroes. The freedom of his friends and outcome of their mission rests on Sylas as he enters a duel arena, his only chance at success being victory.
A mysterious new world and the truth of Maelos’s true power begin to unfold as the secrets of the Void are slowly revealed. In the meantime, the Dark Mage himself has uncovered mysteries of his own, unlocking knowledge that brings him ever closer to his own goals. In his success, his plans quickly take new form… allowing himself to join the front lines of battle.
The most dangerous and difficult battle of their lives commences as Sylas and his friends find themselves face to face with Duskbringer, an ancient red dragon who’s greatest treasure is the one thing that Sylas cannot leave without… The Stone of Fire. 

The Treasure Trove! - Books 1-5 of The Vault of Kings


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