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Signed, laminated map of the world.
$108 purchasedA laminated, signed map of the world of The Vault of Kings. Follow the heroes along their journey as they discover more of Evendreil, Mithrendane, The Scorched Lands, Trindjhim, and Northrinde!Edit -
Let fate decide! 1 random (Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author
$24 purchasedIt is said that the talents and personality that you had in a Premortal world define which element speaks to you the strongest in the mortal world. A 'Natural Attunement' of sorts. Did you hunger and thirst for Knowledge? Perhaps at any cost? Darkness might call to you. Were you driven by Passion? Desiring to spread the ideals of justice and righteousness? Light might call to you. Did Tranquility and peace surround you? Calming your actions and enhancing your focus? Nature might call to you. Was Freedom your driving force? The freedom to do as you please and express yourself in artistic and musical ways? Air might call to you. Did your Will and desire to become the very best drive you to great heights? Fire might call to you. Was your Faith the most important aspect of your life? A belief in yourself, a bright and prosperous future, the elemental hierarchy of the Gods, or even that the energies of the cosmos would inevitably flow to its destined and designed end? Water might call to you. Will you answer the call? Let fate decide as you discover who you were and define who you will now become! Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit -
Book 1: A Light in the Darkness
$150 purchasedBook 1 of The Vault of Kings: A Light in the DarknessEdit -
Book 2: Alliance
$150 purchasedBook 2 of The Vault of Kings: AllianceEditIncludes 1 item
×1Book 2: Alliance
Book 3: The Tree of Life
$150 purchasedBook 3 of The Vault of Kings: The Tree of LifeEditIncludes 1 item
×1Book 3: The Tree of Life
Book 4: The Temple of Air
$151 purchasedBook 4 of The Vault of Kings: The Temple of AirEditIncludes 1 item
×1Book 4: The Temple of Air
(Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author of the element of Darkness
$3.504 purchasedYou hunger and thirst for knowledge at any cost. Nothing is more important to you than knowing the mysteries of the universe, the true potential of the Elemental Magicks, and how you can gain your ultimate destiny through ancient techniques and complete mastery. With an element so powerful, how could you resist? Darkness calls to you... Will you answer the call? Will you discover who you were in that Premortal realm and define who you will now become? Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit -
(Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author of the element of Light
$3.503 purchasedYou are passionate about everything you do, and wish to spread the ideals of justice, righteousness, and might through the divine and holy power of the Light to all! The heavens themselves look down upon the wielders of the Light with a smile. In life you have many passions, but the most important goal is to become as powerful and immortal as the angels in the heavens. Light calls to you... Will you answer the call? Will you discover who you were in that Premortal realm and define who you will now become? Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit -
(Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author of the element of Nature
$3.503 purchasedTranquility and peace surrounds your every action, bringing you extreme power and focus. You seek to protect all life around you, and desire to become one with the plants and animals that look to you for that protection. There is nothing more beautiful than the natural creations around you, and you will do everything in your power to protect it. Nature calls to you... Will you answer the call? Will you discover who you were in that Premortal realm and define who you will now become? Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit -
(Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author of the element of Air
$3.503 purchasedWhat more is there to life than being free? Free to express yourself in any way that you so desire? Freedom to go and do as you please, and to not be forced to live within the constraints of the world? The first and most ancient forms of Magick gives you the power to express that freedom. Music, art, flight, even the ability to be free from the need to breathe. The possibilities are endless! Air calls to you... Will you answer the call? Will you discover who you were in that Premortal realm and define who you will now become? Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit -
(Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author of the element of Fire
$3.503 purchasedYou want to be the very best. Fire gives you that possibility. Your will is unconquerable, your desire to prove to the world that you are great is unstoppable. You have pride in the blood that flows through your veins. The ultimate warriors were always followers of Fire, and you will surpass them all! Fire calls to you... Will you answer the call? Will you discover who you were in that Premortal realm and define who you will now become? Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit -
(Digitally) hand painted high-quality coin from the author of the element of Water
$3.503 purchasedThe gods and your ancestors are the central focus of your life. Faith in them, and a faith in yourself drives you to believe in a prosperous future, and that the energies of the cosmos will inevitably flow to their destined and designed end. You are not bound to simply one form when you take upon yourself the power of Water. Through your faith and the aid of your ancestors you are able to shift your flowing focus between many powerful forms that will one day make you like a god yourself. Water calls to you... Will you answer the call? Will you discover who you were in that Premortal realm and define who you will now become? Express your personality with a poker-style coin that was (digitally) hand painted by me, the author!Edit