Snurses! The purse that’s a snail in array of colors!

Snurses! The purse that’s a snail in array of colors!

Its a snail? Its a purse? Its a snurse?! The snurse took the internet by storm back in 2022 and have been a major hit! They have been sold out many times. We need help to take over the world in snurses plus bringing a NEW snurse friend to life!
$10,861 🎉
of $5,000
Project Ended
Ended on at





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What are snurses??

We are introducing a brand new colorway! We realized that after making an all purple snurse that this purple/black snurse was not shining anymore so we decided to retire black/purple and make it into white/black color way! 
POV: You buying your snurse! <3

What is Backerkit?

How to use backerkit
First! Select the pledge level for the items you’d like to receive. You will be able to choose what colors / types you’d want after the campaign is over! We will be sending out surveys to ask you!

Look through the add ons page! There might be extra goodies you can get additionally with your snurses! Yippee!

Once you pick everything you’re all finished! You can change or cancel your pledge at any time. You will not be charged until the end of the campaign!


Stretch Goals

What is a stretch goal?

If we reach our funding goal we can reach for extra goals!! Yippee! If you really want these to be unlocked make sure to pledge anyways. The more pledges we get, the faster we can reach to unlock these goals!

The more we fund the more stretch goals may be added later on in the campaign! 

Project Timeline

  • Project begins! 
  • We accept pledges until January 20th
  • Project ends and you will be charged for your pledge.
  • Backerkit takes about two weeks to process everyone’s pledge 
  • Once processed and paid. Everyone will receive surveys! This will be your chance to let us know what color snurse you’d like! 
  • Order placed with manufacturer after a week of surveys 
  • Production begins! Hooray!
  • Anticipated end of production would be April 
  • Production finishes and they ship to us which typically takes a month 
  • Everything arrives to our warehouse and we begin to ship! 
Everyone pledging outside of the US is responsible for all VAT and custom fees in their shipments 

About me

About me! :-)

Hello! I’m Mar c: 
I am a hispanic blind artist from Portland, OR! I started Mardeluna Arts about four years ago. It has been so much fun creating characters and merchandise for everyone to enjoy! Everyone’s support in the past few years have really changed my life. Thank you so much if you pledge, view, or share this campaign! Your support allows me to extend my merchandise and art to further places I could ever imagine <3

Add ons

Need more of a reward than what you pledged?
You can add on any reward onto your current pledge if looking to have extra! If you want more hair claws, more snurses, etc!

Snail Hair Claws! 
We are making a new version of our bestselling snail hair claws! We are also expanding the color range!All hair claws will be 10cm.
Pictured to the left is the new versions that are currently being sampled and on the right is the old version! 



Shipping fee will be collected after the campaign is over!

here is an approximated cost on shipping depending how much you get and shipping prices at the time!

US: 7$- 10$
Canada: $15-$25
Everywhere else: $16-$30

All shipping addresses will also be collected after the campaign is over. Please let me know if your address needs to change before we ship out your rewards!

If you believe that this project is not in compliance with BackerKit’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Service, you can file a report by sending a message via this link: Report this project