Lachlan Pierce
5 months ago

Project Update: Greetings Travelers! We are FUNDED!!!

Hi everyone!

Thank you so much for your interest in my new set of sword pins, and a special thank you to everyone who has already backed! We were funded and then some on day one!! At the time of penning this update we are just a little shy of unlocking Sokka's sword and a bit past the halfway point towards funding every pin revealed on launch. That's EXCELLENT progress! This was never meant to be much more than a fun little pre order based off of fan pin requests, so I'm very pleased and super honoured you all are joining me on this journey!

And, thank you to those in the UK/EU who have already reached out about backing the pins. BackerKit doesn't have a private messaging system so messaging me on my website or my Instagram are going to be the best places to fetch me. I'll try my very best to respond asap!

I'll do another post in a day or so but just wanted to send a quick message to express my gratefulness! 

And hmm maybe I'll try to do a stream this week? I haven't tried streaming since I moved away from the city but it might be fun to try. 

Anyways, cheers! 





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