Mitch Netzer
15 days ago

Project Update: $55K TODAY!

YOU DID IT! The $55,000 stretch goal has officially been UNLOCKED!

That means everyone who backed for a physical tier will be getting a DIECUT BOOKMARK, an ETCHED METAL PAGECLIP BOOKMARK, and now, a FOURTH POSTCARD PRINT!

And now that the $55,000 stretch goal has been unlocked, we'd love to reveal the next set of stretch goals! Let's check them out!

(Stretch Goals #1 – 7)

If anyone has seen the Challenge/Decision Coins from our previous campaigns, they can attest to how awesome they are. Personally, the only one of the 20-or-so Magnetic Press coins I have, the original Lupin/Holmes Decision Coin, is the one coin I carry everywhere I go – that way, no matter where I am, I can leave it to fate if I'm going to read one more chapter!

That's it for now. Be sure to spread the word so we can knock out these next few stretch goals!




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