Hi Corey! You should be able to add that print to your order in Backerkit (assuming there are some left... they are limited...) If you view your Backerkit and click "edit your order" in the upper right, you should be able to "edit addons" (near the bottom) and you should find that print in the "extras" section for selection. Hope that helps! It's not a heavy item, so it probably won't affect your current shipping rate at all. 😊
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Hi Corey! You should be able to add that print to your order in Backerkit (assuming there are some left... they are limited...) If you view your Backerkit and click "edit your order" in the upper right, you should be able to "edit addons" (near the bottom) and you should find that print in the "extras" section for selection. Hope that helps! It's not a heavy item, so it probably won't affect your current shipping rate at all. 😊