Project Update: Smoke Test Surveys Sent! All others to go out this weekend!
Hi everyone!
Remember how in the last update I was feeling kinda sick and (shamefully) slept through the conclusion of the campaign? Well, it turns out I had come down with a case of COVID that laid me out for the full week that followed... 😷 I'm in the clear now, but still catching up on everything that piled up during that 3-week absence... Between the traveling and then the self-quarantine, the entire month of May just disappeared in the blink of an eye!
But we've been catching up quickly this week, and we're happy to report that the Smoke Test Surveys have gone out this afternoon!
If you're not sure what the "Smoke Test" is, Backerkit sends a Beta draft of our surveys to about 10% of the backer list to make sure there aren't any hidden bugs, errors, or questions to address before sending out the full survey. They usually suggest waiting 24 hours or until 75% of those test survey are answered before sending out the rest, so if you're one of the lucky 10% to get your survey today, please fill it out!
As soon as we're comfortable that the surveys are solid, we'll send out the rest to everyone else. That'll likely happen at some point over the weekend, so expect them all to arrive on or before Monday. Keep an eye out for an email from "" saying "Response Needed" in the subject line.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments here, or email us at
Remember how in the last update I was feeling kinda sick and (shamefully) slept through the conclusion of the campaign? Well, it turns out I had come down with a case of COVID that laid me out for the full week that followed... 😷 I'm in the clear now, but still catching up on everything that piled up during that 3-week absence... Between the traveling and then the self-quarantine, the entire month of May just disappeared in the blink of an eye!
But we've been catching up quickly this week, and we're happy to report that the Smoke Test Surveys have gone out this afternoon!
If you're not sure what the "Smoke Test" is, Backerkit sends a Beta draft of our surveys to about 10% of the backer list to make sure there aren't any hidden bugs, errors, or questions to address before sending out the full survey. They usually suggest waiting 24 hours or until 75% of those test survey are answered before sending out the rest, so if you're one of the lucky 10% to get your survey today, please fill it out!
As soon as we're comfortable that the surveys are solid, we'll send out the rest to everyone else. That'll likely happen at some point over the weekend, so expect them all to arrive on or before Monday. Keep an eye out for an email from "" saying "Response Needed" in the subject line.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask in the comments here, or email us at
Thanks, everyone!