Magnetic Press
4 months ago

Project Update: Locking addresses this weekend! Shipping in December!

Hi everyone!

You may have already received notification from Backerkit, but 

we will be locking addresses for shipping this weekend!

If you need to update your shipping address, now is the time to do so as we need to start getting the order details locked for our fulfillment warehouse. Our goal is to ship ASTER in December, ideally so you might have them by Christmas. (International orders may take a bit longer, but we'll have a better sense of that timetable once we have locked all of the information and gotten a schedule back from the warehouse.

If you need to update your address but aren't sure how, you can verify your current order address by logging into That is what we currently have on file and where your items will be going if we don't hear from you. (And if you follow that link to discover you haven't completed your survey, now is the time to do so! While we'll do our best to get late surveys fulfilled as they come in, we can't guarantee anything 90 days or more after this deadline...)

If you have any problems or questions, let us know. If you aren't sure how to reach us, you can always message [email protected].

Thanks, everyone!





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