
In the upcoming Book of Nosgoth, it would be great to add / include some info on the below topics: (Blood Omen 1) - Some info / pictures of the Circle of Nine (present and past Guardians, also on those partially visible in the BO1 Intro) - Elzevir the Dollmaker, what was his agenda? What was his goal? He worked on his own, or was just a pawn (set in motion by Moebius? Mortanius?) - Some general info on the Nosgoth politics, rulers, kingdoms etc. We know about Willendorf and King Ottomar, William the Just kingdom (and some other nearby lands that he conquered as Nemezis), Meridian from BO2, some stand alone cities from BO1 (which were part of some bigger kingdom?), Dark Eden, Avernus, Malek (Sarafan?) bastion… it would be good to put it all together and place it on the map, ect, for overall knowledge of Nosgoth political topography. - More info on Hash’Ak’Gik cult (Blood Omen 2) - After Kain refused the sacrifice, he decided to conquer Nosgoth, yet was unable to create new vampires on his own, hence he had to resurrect Vorador. How he was able to do it? - More depth, info and some pictures on Kain’s army leaders: Faustus, Marcus, Sebastian and Magnus. - More info on Seer. And what was her destiny after BO2. - The Mass was ancient, powerful jellyfish-like creature. Elder God is ancient, powerful squid like creature… Are they somehow connected? Like, are they same species, got same orgin from time beyond time? (Both seems like creatures from Lovecraft mythology) - More info on Cabal members (Umah and others) - After events of BO2, Kain and Vorador were set on a war path. Obviously, Kain defeated Vorador and gained his ‘Dark Gift’, so he was able to resurrect/create vampires on his own (and he used that power to resurrect Raziel and his brothers, probably to mock Sarafan Lord and their anti-vampire cult even more). But some more info on this Kain – Vorador conflict would be nice (well, even whole game could be created around this, as Vorador got still his Cabal around him at that time) - High quality arts for all the characters (and not focusing only on the main players like Kain and Raziel) - Kain mentioned that 'Janos must stay dead', as he knew he will eventually land trapped in the Demon dimension. It would be nice to know what was his fate after that (yet I assume his fate is unknown at this point) - Who was the Hylden female on murals inside Hylden City? Some sort of Hylden Queen? Or just vast memory from time, before they were banished and corrupted by the demon realm. Please also remember, that most of the Legecy of Kain fans are adults, people who were playing original games in the 90's, so any adult content visible in the arts is appreciated (gore, suggestive themes, etc.), as censorship is not a good fit for this great series. Truly hope you will deliver a great encyclopedia for all LoK fans.