Lone Colossus Games
6 months ago

Project Update: September Update

Hey everyone!
Today's update is fairly short: I'm still waiting for that Chapter 1 PDF to share with you, but I'm told it should be ready within a week or so and you can be sure that as soon as I have it, you'll have it. 

The poll about poster images wrapped up a week or two ago as well, and it looks like the scene of the adventurer communing with a primal spirit won, so that is now the official image choice for the art print!

Writing Progress

Writing is 100% draft complete! I got the final balance edits this weekend, and am almost done finalizing that part. After that, chapters 3 and 4 need to go to copy editing, and then there'll be proofreading to do once that's all done.

Art Progress

Art is 100% complete as well. I got the last few pieces back in August, and that's that!

Reminder to Complete Surveys

Thanks to the 98% of you that have filled out your surveys! That is a really great percentage to see at this stage. If you are one of the (currently 28) people who have not filled out your survey, be sure to do so soon! The longer you wait the higher the likelihood that I can't fulfill your order. If you're not sure if you've filled out your survey, you can check (or request a new link) here: https://tome-of-intangible-treasures.backerkit.com/sign_in

As a reminder, if you use AppleID, that will typically block emails from BackerKit and prevent you from getting your survey, download, and shipping notification emails. Be sure not to use that as your email in BackerKit to avoid that issue.

What's Next?

Since this project's work is now mostly out of my hands, I'm starting to think about what the next project should be! Once I've gotten Chapter 1 out to you all, you can expect to see a poll asking what your favorite ideas are out of the several I've got in mind.

Injuries and Vile Deeds is on Roll20 (coming to Foundry)

In preparation for getting Tome of Intangible Treasures's VTT conversions done as quickly as possible once the book is ready, I've been working with others to get Injuries and Vile Deeds out on Roll20 and Foundry as a sort of practice run. The Roll20 version is already available, and you can grab that now on their marketplace if that's your preferred VTT. Work on the Foundry version is just starting, so I don't really have a timeline on that yet, but know that it's coming as well :)

Thanks as always for your support, and I can't wait to share Chapter 1 with you when it's done!
- Josh





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