Latest from the Creator
Lone Colossus Games
21 days ago
Dice Samples, Timelines, and Next Project Pre-Launch!
Hey everyone, Today's update has some exciting news as well as some more solid dates on timelines! New Dice Samples Having changed dice manufacturers, the new dice samples l...
Lone Colossus Games
about 2 months ago
Brief update and a poll about the next project!
Hey everyone! I've got a few updates for you, and then a poll I'd love to hear from you on at the bottom of this update (as well as a sneak peek at some new art from the nex...
Lone Colossus Games
3 months ago
Print Files Submitted, Charging Cards Soon(ish)!
It's done! Kinda. As the title says, the print files were sent to the printer yesterday morning. That doesn't mean printing will start right away, of course - there are stil...
Lone Colossus Games
3 months ago
Tome of Intangible Treasures PDF Release!
Hey everyone! The title says it all, I think. The complete PDF of Tome of Intangible Treasures is finished and is be...
Lone Colossus Games
4 months ago
Locking Orders Soon + Cool Project!
Hey everyone! I got a preview of the final PDF over the weekend, which means we're extremely close to the digital release of Tome of Inta...
Lone Colossus Games
4 months ago
November Update
Hey everyone, It's been about a month since the last update, so although the PDF isn't quite done yet there's still plenty to share. Writing Progress I've...
Lone Colossus Games
21 days ago

Project Update: Dice Samples, Timelines, and Next Project Pre-Launch!

Hey everyone,

Today's update has some exciting news as well as some more solid dates on timelines!

New Dice Samples
Having changed dice manufacturers, the new dice samples look a lot more like the original mockups and less like the last set of samples I'd shared. While I wasn't unhappy with the visuals on those previous samples, these new ones are absolutely gorgeous and I'm really loving the blue 'flame' effect you can see inside.

Full set sample (with some clear defects)

There are still some things being worked out with the relative placement of the colors in some of the dice and which face the symbol is supposed to be on (for example the d4 isn't supposed to have the symbol on it at all), as well as the sharpness of some of the edges, and we're going to try for a pinker color for the translucent resin on top. The next set of samples with what should hopefully be the final changes should be done in a couple of weeks, and these particular samples will be in my own hands around that time.

Manufacturing and Shipping Timelines

The rate limiting factor for manufacturing at this point is the dice. Although they're likely not to take as long to make as all the print products, delays in getting acceptable samples does mean they'll end up finishing a little after everything else. Last I heard, that meant that everything should be done being made by the end of March or early April.

At that point, everything gets loaded on a ship and we wait for 6 weeks until it arrives in the US and North and South American fulfillment can begin. Then, all packages bound for the rest of the world will be sent through a couple of hoops to get to their local fulfillment centers in the UK and Australia and then shipped off to everyone else. This means that US-based fulfillment should begin in late May (depending on how long the wait in customs is), and the rest of the world's fulfillment will begin sometime after that.

Tome of Intangible Treasures II Pre-Launch

Since we're now at the stage of the project where very nearly everything is out of my hands and I can do nothing but wait for about 3 months, it's time for me to focus all my efforts on the next book! The pre-launch page is LIVE and ready to be followed, so please go check that out, share it with your friends, and give it a follow to help give that project a boost as we prepare for launch.

You can be sure I'll be posting more updates about the timeline and product samples as they become available.

Thanks as always for your support!
- Josh
user avatar image for Lone Colossus Games





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Lone Colossus Games
about 2 months ago
84 votes • Final results





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Lone Colossus Games
about 2 months ago

Project Update: Brief update and a poll about the next project!

Hey everyone!

I've got a few updates for you, and then a poll I'd love to hear from you on at the bottom of this update (as well as a sneak peek at some new art from the next book)!

Like I said in the last update, there were a few errors caught in the book while doing the final review before printing. The updated file has now been added to your downloads here on BackerKit.

Additionally, I will be sending out copies of the PDF for Tome of Intangible Treasures and Injuries and Vile Deeds on DriveThruRPG later today, as well as the token pack for Tome of Intangible Treasures. If you've enjoyed the book so far, please leave it a 5-star review to help others find it!

Shard VTT Release

The book is now out on Shard, and codes have been sent to backers who opted for this VTT version.

Print-At-Home Cards

Files for the print-at-home cards have also been sent out on BackerKit, and will be shared on DriveThruRPG later today as well.

Print Timeline

Nearly all of the files are now approved for print - there's just one file left to be changed, and a couple more to be approved. This means that printing can get underway very soon!
I've changed manufacturers for the dice as the original manufacturer wasn't good with communication and had me worried about them following directions for the final version. The new manufacturer has already made their first sample, and while there are some changes left to make I already know it was a good idea to switch to them. Hopefully the sample process won't cause any delays in getting the full set of products ready for shipping, but I'll keep you updated as I know more there.

Roll20 and Foundry Timelines

Both of these are still in active development. Roll20's progress has slowed a little as the person I was working with has had to take a temporary step back from the project, but they've offered to guide me through the conversion process as I work on it myself so things are still on track there.

Tome of Intangible Treasures II Poll!

Last October I polled everyone about what project they wanted to see me work on next, and resoundingly the answer was for a followup book to Tome of Intangible Treasures! Although the cover art is still a work in progress and the pre-launch page is still forthcoming, I wanted to tell you a little more about it and get some feedback on things I'm considering for the crowdfunding campaign.

This book will be a 5e-compatible collection of intangible rewards and monsters that provides rules for a Ritual system with which characters can enchant themselves and party members with boons and charms using parts harvested from monsters. A guide will also be included with the book for using everything in it with the Crafting and Harvesting systems presented in Heliana's Guide to Monster Hunting, and it will be officially compatible with those systems when released.

Since there are monsters in the book, and some of them like this Executioner Devil seem like they'd make a great mini...I'm thinking it'd be cool to do minis!

Illustration of the Executioner Devil by Todd Ulrich

My question for you all then is:
Do you prefer minis of the most impressive looking monsters (even if this means they trend toward higher CRs), monsters at all tiers of play (you'd want an even spread of CRs), or primarily lower CR monsters (presumably would get used more frequently)?





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Lone Colossus Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Print Files Submitted, Charging Cards Soon(ish)!

It's done! Kinda.

As the title says, the print files were sent to the printer yesterday morning. That doesn't mean printing will start right away, of course - there are still a couple more review steps left before that happens - but it does mean it'll be soon. Typically I allot about 3-4 months for printing and shipping before fulfillment can begin, so that means we're pretty much right on schedule with the original plan at this point. There were a few more minor updates to the book as we prepared it for print, and I'll be releasing that "final final really final for now this time" PDF to everyone after I charge cards for shipping, tax, and any additional add-ons.  I'll also send out links to claim a copy on DriveThruRPG at that point as well.

Survey Fund Collection Timeline

Which brings us to the other important part of this update! With manufacturing getting underway soon, it's time to collect the funds for shipping, taxes, and any add-ons that have been ordered during the pre-order period. I have not yet had time to handle special VAT rules (e.g., for 0-VAT items like books in certain countries), but those will be finalized before I press the button to charge cards. I will also be double checking the shipping rates to make sure those are the lowest they can be.

You can expect me to begin charging cards early in January (if you need a date, for now let's say January 2nd). This should give everyone plenty of time to make sure their payments go through before fulfillment begins. Once products are on the ship and en route to the US, I'll lock addresses as well so that the prep work can begin for fulfillment.

Card Preview

Speaking of cards, here's a preview of what we landed on for the boon, charm, and pact card designs - they're going to look spectacular with the gilded edges we unlocked as part of the physical quality upgrade stretch goal!

VTT Progress

I've pretty much finished the conversion process for Shard, and I plan to send out keys to redeem copies there for those that selected that option as soon as I've charged cards next week. The Roll20 version is also underway (though that process tends to take longer). Foundry conversion hasn't yet begun due to some life events with the person I'm working with, but it's in the pipeline.

Print-at-Home Cards

With the physical products laid out, the very last thing (other than any fixes needed during the final preparation for print) to be done are the print-at-home version of the cards that I added during the pre-order period. I haven't been given an expected delivery date for these yet, but you can be sure I'll be letting you know when they're done.

Another Awesome Project - ZAMANORA: Ballad of the Witch

Eren Chronicles are back with another really cool supplement! ZAMANORA: Ballad of the Witch is a new setting inspired by Balkan and Slavic folklore's grim fables and mythology.

ZAMANORA: Ballad of the Witch introduces immersive mechanics, character options, monsters, spells, curses, ceremonies, folkloric relics and adventure locales sprung from the realm of myth. Moreover, everything is going to be compatible with a number of different TTRPG systems: namely D&D 5e, D&D 2024, and the Legend in the Mist RPG.

Their pre-launch page is live, so you can follow the project to get notified when it launches in 2025!

That's all for now!
- Josh





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Lone Colossus Games
3 months ago

Project Update: Tome of Intangible Treasures PDF Release!

Hey everyone!

The title says it all, I think. The complete PDF of Tome of Intangible Treasures is finished and is being released to your BackerKit digital downloads as we speak! I think it looks amazing, and I'm eager to hear what stories you and your parties end up telling with the contents of the book. I've also included a free download of the monster/NPC portraits as VTT tokens. This token pack will eventually be sold separately and included/integrated with VTT versions of the book, but I wanted to make sure you all had what you needed to use the book with any VTT while you wait for the conversions to be released.

If you have questions about the book, or just want to talk about it, join the Lone Colossus Discord server! If you do happen to catch typos that somehow slipped through editing (there's always one), there's still a little bit of time to fix things before files go to print.


With the release of the PDF, all future pre-orders will be done through my webstore where the PDF is now for sale. As a reminder, pre-ordering the Box Set of Intangible Treasures (380-card set of reference cards for the boons, charms, and pacts found in the book) also gets you a free copy of the Deck of Trainings (60-card deck of advanced and epic training reference cards)! This of course includes all backers who added it during the campaign or in their surveys.

Print Timelines

Print files are still being worked on, but an order has been placed which means we have a spot in the queue. Assuming there aren't any issues that come up with the print proofs, production should be complete before the end of January, at which point we'll just have to wait on ocean travel before physical fulfillment can begin.

VTT Timelines

I've already been working on the Shard conversion, but with the PDF complete it means work on the Roll20 conversion can start soon as well. I don't know exactly how long that will take, but I'll guess at least 2-3 months based on past conversion projects. The Foundry conversion is a bit harder to judge timeline on for a few reasons, but I'm hoping not more than 3-4 months for that one either.

Thanks as always for your support, and I look forward to hearing how you use the book!
- Josh
user avatar image for Lone Colossus Games





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