Lewd Dungeon Adventures: The Card Game

Lewd Dungeon Adventures: The Card Game

A bawdy, boozy, monster battler with intimate competitions for couples.
$68,940 🎉
of $4,000
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From the creator of the popular tabletop role-playing game for couples comes a card game of the same name, giving players a chance for a fun, boozy, intimate adventure they can pick up and play. The game is relatively simple, with the objective to collect ten cards from a mix of DRINK, MONSTER, and SEX cards. DRINK cards require you to compete with your mate in a drinking game. MONSTER cards will have you battling it out. SEX cards require competing in an intimate competition, most revolving around foreplay. SPELL cards are thrown into the mix to aid in battling monsters or sabotaging your opponent. It’s all the best of Lewd Dungeon Adventures condensed into a 42 (possibly more with unlocked stretch goals) card deck, creating a date night you won’t soon forget. 


 Each deck of cards comes with a set of quick-start rules. 


Object:The first player to collect 10 cards in total wins the game. Only Drink, Monster, and Sex cards count toward this total.

Set-Up: Shuffle the deck of cards, then place them face down. Roll a d6. The player with the higher number goes first. In the case of a tie, re-roll.

Gameplay: There are four types of cards in the game: Drink Cards, Monster Cards, Sex Cards, and Spell Cards. Players will take turns drawing cards. Depending on what they draw, they will be required to do the following:

DRINK CARDS: Play a drinking game, as indicated on the card. The player who wins the drinking game wins the card.

Unless indicated on the card otherwise, all drinking games should be played with beer, wine, or a mixed drink. Please note that some cards require a player to drink their entire beverage. If one player has finished three full beverages, it is advised to remove the rest of the Drink Cards from the game and continue playing without them. Please drink responsibly. 
DRINK Cards are indicated by the bottle icon.

MONSTER CARDS: A player who draws a monster card may choose to either battle it or laterally swap it. The first time a player draws a monster card, that card will become their Champion Monster. The next time the player draws a monster card, they may either battle the newly drawn monster or make a lateral swap. To do this, the player would take the newly drawn monster as their Champion Monster and shuffle their original Champion Monster back into the deck. Only Champion Monsters that have not taken damage can be laterally swapped.
If the player does not wish to laterally swap their Champion Monster, they will battle it against the newly drawn monster.

On each monster card, you will see the following stats:

HEALTH (Indicated by the Heart icon): How much Health that monster has.

ROLL TO HIT (Indicated by the Shield icon): What die total will need to be rolled to hit that monster.

Example: The monster below has a Roll to Hit of 3. The player will have to roll a d6 and get a 3 or higher for their attack to hit.

CLOSE: The amount of damage a monster can do when fighting close range, represented by a type of die (d4, d6, d8, etc.)

RANGED: The amount of damage a monster can do when fighting ranged, represented by a type of die (d4, d6, d8, etc.) 
All Monster Cards are modified versions of the monsters from the Lewd Dungeon Adventures tabletop role-playing game.

SEX CARDS: Engage in a sexual competition against the other player. The player who wins the competition wins this card.

If a refractory period is necessary, Sex Cards can be removed from the deck until one or both players are ready to engage in sexual activity again. 
SEX Cards are indicated by the male/female icon at the bottom. This is the tamest card in the deck and the only one of this type I can show you without the risk of getting banhammered.

SPELL CARDS: Used to aid a player in battle or sabotage their opponent. Once played, these cards are discarded. They do not count as point cards.

Spell Cards can be used by the Champion fighting a monster or the opposing player playing the monster that the current Champion is fighting. These cards can only be played on a player’s turn, and they may only play one per turn in addition to their regular attack. No Roll to Hit is necessary to activate a Spell Card’s effects. 
SPELL Cards can only be used once and then are discarded after.

Monster Battles: To do Monster Battle, the player who drew the new monster card will play their Champion Monster while their opponent will play the drawn monster. The Champion Monster will always go first in combat and will start the battle by determining whether they want to fight CLOSE or RANGED for the entire battle. They must pick one. They cannot pick both. Both monsters will use this damage type for the entire battle unless a Spell Card is played that can change this.

Both monsters should be face up so that the players can see the stats of each other’s monster. This will help the player who drew the monster determine the best strategy for combat.

Combat goes as follows: The player battling their Champion against the new monster will roll a d6 to see if they can match or exceed their opponent’s Roll to Hit number. If they hit the monster, they will then Roll for Damage, which is to roll the corresponding die in their Champion Monster’s CLOSE or RANGED slot (whichever attack they decided to use). If the player fails to roll a high enough number to hit their opponent’s monster, their attack misses, and play passes to the opponent monster, which will follow the same steps against them.

Both players will keep track of their monster’s Health. If the player who drew the new monster card defeats it, they will collect it and add it to their point total. In the event the new monster defeats their Champion Monster, both monsters will be shuffled back into the deck. If that player already has additional monsters in their hand that they previously defeated, they may pick a new monster to become their Champion Monster.

Unless a player has a Spell card to regain Health, whatever damage a player’s Champion Monster takes during combat does not regenerate. Once a Champion Monster takes damage, it cannot be swapped out for another monster card, and the player must keep it as their Champion Monster until it is defeated. If it is defeated, it will be reshuffled back into the deck. 


We realize that not everyone drinks alcohol. And sometimes, you just want to take a game and play it with your friends. Much like our tabletop role-playing game, we've come up with rules modifications to make the game replayable in a variety of situations.

If you’d like to remove one type of card (either DRINK or SEX), the first player to collect 5 cards wins.

If you’d like to remove both the DRINK and SEX Cards, the first player to collect 3 cards wins.


Card Game $15- If you have your own set of dice and don't care about adding to your collection, this is the tier for you. It includes the complete game as well as all unlocked stretch goals.

  Card Game + Dice $20 - Want the dice to go with the game? Then this is the tier for you. Includes a set of 7 dice with our Lewd Dungeon Adventures logo on the d6 and d20.

Card Game + Digital TTRPG $35 - Want to try our tabletop role-playing game? This tier includes the card game plus the first 4 adventures in the Lewd Dungeon Adventures series in digital format. Core Rulebook included.

Card Game + Digital 5e TTRPG $35 - Want to try our tabletop role-playing game and are already familiar with the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ruleset? Get the card game (card game has its own rules not related to 5e) and the first 4 adventures in the Lewd Dungeon Adventures series converted to 5e for quick pick up and play.

Card Game + Physical TTRPG $55 - Like the feel of everything physical? This tier includes the card game plus the first four adventure modules in the Lewd Dungeon Adventures tabletop role-playing game in Premium Softcover Edition.

Card Game + Loot $55 - Elevate your gameplay by grabbing this tier. It includes the card game, a set of 7 dice, 2 health trackers, and a glass with the Lewd Dungeon Adventures logo.

Ultimate Bundle $95 - For those who have to have it all. Includes the card game, the first 4 adventures in the Lewd Dungeon Adventures tabletop role-playing game in Premium Softcover Edition (Core Rulebook included), a set of 7 dice, 2 health trackers, and a glass with the Lewd Dungeon Adventures logo.

Retailer $90 - 10 d*cks all flailing at you at the same time. I mean...10 decks of cards to sell to your customers! Each deck will include all unlocked stretch goals.



Back our campaign within the first week to get an exclusive Gobblin (yes, that's spelled right) Monster Card added to your deck. *This offer expired at 10AM CST on 08/06* Now available as an add-on item for $1.


Because of the nature of this project, we are doing stretch goals a bit differently this time. Instead of unlocking things by hitting certain funding goals, stretch goals will be unlocked via community achievements. Every time an achievement is completed, we will add either a new card or a rules modification to the game. This allows you guys to build the deck as a community while also making sure we stay within budget for the project. Achievements will be updated once a day, and unlocked stretch goals will be revealed at that time. Achievements with a green check mark over them have been completed.

Submit picture and video proof to: https://www.facebook.com/LewdDungeonAdventures
Lewd Dungeon Adventures X: https://x.com/lewd_dungeon 


 Additional Card Game $15 - Another d*ck...I mean deck...of cards (includes all unlocked stretch goal cards).

Dice $5 - 7-die set containing 1 piece d20, 1 piece d12, 2 pieces d10 (00-90 and 0-9), 1 piece d8, 1 piece d6, 1 piece d4. Dice are white with red lettering. The d20 and d6 display the Lewd Dungeon Adventures logo.
This is a mockup of the d6 and d20.

Health Tracker $10 - A single health tracker, so you don't have to keep score of your monster's Health with pen and paper.

Glass Tumbler $15 - A single glass to enjoy a frosty beverage.

Lewd Dungeon Adventures TTRPG 4-book PDF Bundle $20 - The PDF version of the first four modules in our popular tabletop role-playing game designed for couples.

Lewd Dungeon Adventures TTRPG 4-book 5e PDF Bundle $20 - The Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition PDF version of the first four modules in our popular tabletop role-playing game designed for couples, so you don't have to learn a whole new ruleset.
Lewd Dungeon Adventures TTRPG 4-book Paperback Bundle $40 - The Premium Softcover version of the first four modules in our popular tabletop role-playing game designed for couples, for those who like a book in hand.
Retailer $90 - For those with a commercial presence who want to share Lewd Dungeon Adventures goodness with the world!



Creator: Phoenix Grey

Artists: Map Studio, sabzdunz, Jason Mathews, Ekaterina, and Sketch Studio

Logo Design: Legend_Designers

Tuck Box Designer: CreativeBlox

Video Designer:
Ibrahim M. Celik from RPCraft Publishing
There's a Female Statue, too. When you put the two together, they are doing something naughty.



All pledge levels will likely ship within 4 months but could take up to 8 months to ship.

This product will be shipped from a warehouse in the United States. If you are an international backer, you will have to pay VAT and customs, if applicable. Please be prepared for this when you make your pledge. The below chart is an estimate only. The amounts below are for each tier. Add-on items may increase the price, as shipping rates are determined by the weight of the items in your order.

Any order containing only the card game or the card game and digital items or physical paperbacks will be shipped directly from DriveThruRPG. Orders containing any other items in combination with the card game will be shipped by Blackbox. 
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Lewd Dungeon Adventures: The Card Game

Lewd Dungeon Adventures: The Card Game

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