Latest from the Creator
9 days ago
Finally some stuff to share!
SO! As I have said a few times now, most of the campaign is fulfilled. There have been 2 remaining hurdles: • Jumbo Eclipse, which arrived incorrectly made • Customs I have...
3 months ago
Upcoming Backerkit Campaign - Carrion Baggage - Tender Meat Bags for Seasoned Travelers
Hi everyone! Merry Christmas, I hope you all got to eat something absolutely delicious! We put the turkey in too late as usual so I'm not eating for another 20 minutes or so ...
4 months ago
No Jumbo Eclipse/Custom Dragon Packages = All Going Out!
Like it says on the tin! All the packages without a jumbo Eclipse or a custom dragon are packed up and on their way out! We're fighting the bottleneck again because a lot...
4 months ago
Fulfillment Return - Tracking hasn't moved? Please read!
Hello everyone! As mentioned in the last update I vended at Aquatifur this weekend. I'm in the car on the way home right now, so my brief break from fulfillmen...
4 months ago
Quick Break
Hi all! I leave for Aquatifur in less than 3 days, but I've been doing fulfillment instead of prep. So this is just a quick update to say since I am waiting on tracking updates ...
4 months ago
Shipping Week 3 Round-Up
Fulfillment Progress: First off I hope you all had an awesome Halloween! We JUST got in the door after dropping off the last of the complete packages. The vast majority of f...
9 days ago

Project Update: Finally some stuff to share!

SO! As I have said a few times now, most of the campaign is fulfilled. There have been 2 remaining hurdles:

  • Jumbo Eclipse, which arrived incorrectly made
  • Customs

I have news for both!

1: Jumbo Eclipse

This has been a grueling process. I apologize. This is not a problem I have ever encountered before. When the dragons first arrived I was told it would take about a month after arrival for me to get the fixed ones back. That has obviously not turned out to be the case.

I had a lot of trouble with these. It took forever to get their return shipment arranged. Then once they were out of my hands I was hearing a lot of nothing. At one point I was even told it should have been shipped, but after bugging them for tracking it became clear that was an assumption, since all that got found out was they hadn't even received the returned boxes yet.

Whenever I asked about it after that the question got dropped. I had to really be a pest to get something other than "Let me check" only for days of silence to follow. It turns out that this wasn't negligence on my manufacturer's part, though. Customs apparently just released the package to them two weeks ago and it finally arrived last week.

I am sincerely sorry for this terrible wait. This is a first for me and it has been very frustrating from here. I am sure it has been much moreso for all of you who are waiting! I am extremely grateful for your patience so far. This means that:

Jumbo Eclipse should be 2 months max from being fulfilled! Because of all the delay the plush repairs have been prioritized. They should be ready to return to me in 15 business days, and will be shipped by sea.

2: Custom Dragons

All the custom dragons are done and most are in-hand! I am only waiting to receive the mega jumbo and an extra copy of one of the plush. I just need to stuff them and ship them. This has been delayed first based on shipping materials, then time.(hurray convention prep woes,) but currently I am being held up by sheer physical ability. I need to hand stuff them, take basic photographs, fit them in the stupid huge polybags I sourced when the boxes I shelled out for weren't up to the task, and get them brought to the UPS store since they are too big to ship via USPS.

Normally this is not a problem. However I am currently recovering my ability to, well. Move. Like at all. Over the past few weeks my chronic spinal issue deteriorated and I lost the ability to walk and even to sit up. Stuffed jumbos are too heavy for me to even comfortably manipulate to pack.

I am just now starting to recover. I am still taking things very slow. It has been ADHD hell having to basically lay still for days and days, especially since even using my phone becomes too much strain in not much time (hence me only just now writing this chunky update) but it only got to this point because whenever I seemed just better enough I stopped taking it easy and immediately relapsed. I'm at the limits of what help I can reasonably ask for too. Caretaker fatigue is a thing. I don't have much choice other than waiting.

So again, thank you for your patience. I know this has not been ideal. I will have to find some extras to pack in and some other way to make it up to y'all, my brain is fully in Survive Constant Pain mode so I will have to share what that could be at a later time when I can do inventory and crunch some numbers. But it won't be anything I delay ready shipments for!

Sorry for all the words! Thank you for reading





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3 months ago

Project Update: Upcoming Backerkit Campaign - Carrion Baggage - Tender Meat Bags for Seasoned Travelers

Hi everyone! Merry Christmas, I hope you all got to eat something absolutely delicious! We put the turkey in too late as usual so I'm not eating for another 20 minutes or so haha. With the holiday season soon to wrap up on the coming New Year I'm looking to the future! In January 2025 the next Pintopia will be launching, and it is Pins 'n Plushies this time around. I will be participating and look forward to starting off next year on the right haunch!

Please consider following my upcoming project Carrion Baggage! I'll be offering all sorts of plush bags with a meat theme and a practical use focus! Follow the project here!

Prototype feedback for the new colors of bags!

Some other awesome stuff about this:
  • Returning backers will be getting a free sticker!
  • Early backers will get 1 of 3 free badge designs of their choice!
  • The new full size bags will be unlocked in a community selected order!
  • I will be teaming up with the amazing grind3h, and backers of both our campaigns will receive a free enamel pin from each of us! They're making some amazing dragon pins, so check them out!

Here are the Premium Cut bag designs that will be done in community decided order!

In fact, you can already go vote for your favorite if you want!

Here are the freebie enamel pins for folks who back both projects!

The free enamel pins backers of both projects will receive!

Even more bag designs!

Or are you just here for Comet & Friends news?
If that's the case, well, stuff has been pretty quiet! We're still waiting on those Eclipse bags. The return plush are still at sea, and the manufacturer won't be starting to make replacements until they arrive. They will be able to remove the horns and turn them back in the proper direction to avoid wasting materials. Since most every order has already been fulfilled otherwise, that's basically all we're waiting on. That and for some sites to catch up with lifting the ban on Canadian USPS postal labels being bought, and a couple other little bits and bobs (such as people having me hold for address changes.)

Some packages have bounced and been returned to me. Particularly a few international ones. They arrived in the last week or so. I have been recovering from Covid for weeks so I haven't reached out to the recipients yet, but that will be coming soon. I got my ability to taste food back just in time for tonight's dinner, phew.

Progress is good on the customs! The full size mega jumbo custom has been ordered, and most of them are actually at the shipping stage along with the single mega jumbo Comet. A couple had some minimal changes to be made and I believe that has happened so I'd be willing to bet we're about to close this particular chapter too. They will likely be getting shipped by boat instead of air, so it will probably be a bit in to February when those arrive.

Anyway! Happy holidays y'all!





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4 months ago

Project Update: No Jumbo Eclipse/Custom Dragon Packages = All Going Out!

Like it says on the tin!

All the packages without a jumbo Eclipse or a custom dragon are packed up and on their way out! We're fighting the bottleneck again because a lot of these have stuffed jumbos so only so many can get picked up at once, but they're all ready to go regardless and if I get the chance I'll be bringing them directly to the PO.

That means there's only a small handful of packages left, and my hands are a bit tied on those. Other than that we're DONE! The Comet & Friends dragons have left the nest! Thank you all again for helping make this project a reality!

Speaking of customs,

I finally got some completed drafts in for 3 of them! They nailed 2 in the first go and they're beautiful. This includes the red dragon Melissa plush. The wing limbed dragon is just the smaller prototype though- now that he's done he's going to get sized up to 6ft! The third one is mostly good, the horns just need re-oriented to be more ram-like and then it'll be good to go.

What's Next?

Now that we're only waiting on the remade jumbos and the customs, which take a variable amount of time, I can focus fully on the immediate future. Specifically, I will be running another Backerkit in January as part of Pintopia 2025, which will also be including plush this time around! I would be extremely grateful if you followed my upcoming project, Carrion Baggage. Maybe get some tasty plush treats for your dragons if they catch your interest!

I'm working hard on this right now! I hope you'll find something you like.
user avatar image for October





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4 months ago

Project Update: Fulfillment Return - Tracking hasn't moved? Please read!

Hello everyone! As mentioned in the last update I vended at Aquatifur this weekend. I'm in the car on the way home right now, so my brief break from fulfillment is over. On Tuesday we'll be back in the dragon business! The shipping materials I had run out of are all in now, and tracking has had time to update for all shipped orders for sure, so my current goal is to get all possible orders out this week.

If your tracking has not updated since you received the tracking notification:

Do not panic! The tracking notification only means your label was created, not that your item has shipped! Nothing is wrong and everything is proceeding as intended.

If you have questions about why there was a delay please check the previous updates! I have made an effort to be very transparent about all the victories and pain points of fulfillment since it began and your question is most likely answered there. I am happy to answer questions and will always do my best to get back to you quickly if there is anything I missed that you still want to know.


  • Packages with a Jumbo Eclipse will not ship until the Jumbo Eclipse order has been replaced.
  • Packages with a jumbo custom will not ship until the custom is complete.
  • Packages with neither of those items that have not shipped will be shipping this week. If there is any delay it is health related and I will be getting them out early next week at latest.
user avatar image for October





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4 months ago

Project Update: Shipping Week 3 Round-Up

Fulfillment Progress:

First off I hope you all had an awesome Halloween! We JUST got in the door after dropping off the last of the complete packages. The vast majority of fulfillment is now done! It ended up being multiple trips worth, especially since so many of you lovely backers got full sets, so we got everything squeaked in there just 15 minutes before the Post Office closed. There was enough that we had to just pull up to the back and start unloading it directly in to their mail carts instead of doing it at the counter. This was AFTER stuffing our pickup box every day for two weeks. Phew. I'm just glad to have it all out of my house. Our entire living room has been basically inaccessible because it's been filled with packages stuck behind the drop off bottleneck.

For most of you this is the last update you will have to worry about! I'm so happy that these plush got to be brought to life. I never would have been able to fund these out of pocket on my own. This truly is all because of you! I hope it felt good to assist in hatching this nest of dragons.

There are still some packages being affected by delays. Specifically:

  • Label errors: This is a hard one to explain, so I will do my best to summarize: I bought a very large number of labels all at once, but during the process the system errored out, leaving me with a big mess of unsorted labels. I have no way of telling what labels I have and have not printed, so I am now giving tracking time to update since all completed packages are out the door. Any that don't update by Monday I'll know I have to print and pack still. This is the biggest set of delays.
  • Extra large mailer orders: I ran out of 30x36 polymailers one night, so some of the exceptionally large orders are delayed while more come in. I think that is only 2 orders.
  • Sticker orders: A very small number of orders with stickers are having to wait on envelopes. I didn't expect to run through them so fast but I used 'em all up! This is like 3 orders.
  • Jumbo Eclipse: I've gotten no news in a week on setting up a UPS pick-up to return the defective ones or an update on manufacturing the new ones. Again. I'm not happy about that. I apologize for the long wait. I've been so busy with packing and keeping my business running properly in the background that I haven't really had the time to pursue this more aggressively, but we've arrived at the point where I do.


To repeat from last time, I did have help for some packages and when they were done packing up what I'd given them there were still a few items left on the table! I know I missed the quantity on an item for at least one order too. We're both being human 'n making mistakes. I apologize massively for the delay in getting you your things, but don't worry! If you are missing anything, don't have a full quantity, or have received a damaged item* I will send out the missing items/replace the piece at no cost to you. Send an email to [email protected] and I will get you taken care of right away!

*I will need to see a photo of the damaged item! Don't throw it away, I might even ask for it to be sent back (again at no cost to you) so I can repair it and get it a new home if it is a plush.

Bumps encountered:
  • Shipping materials. As mentioned above, I ran out of some supplies right at the very end of things. This is already in the process of being remedied.

I know there's still some work left to do, but for many of you this is basically the send off for this project, so again I want to emphasize: thank you. This has been an adventure. It's satisfying to be penning the last sentences of the final chapter.

So what's next project-wise?

This is!

Coming up in January I'll be running another campaign, this time for plush bags and some other things! I'll be collaborating with an amazing creator as well, and their campaign is likely to be very up your alley, so I hope to see you there when launch hits!

Don't miss it, get a project launch alert here!

During the week I launched a pre-order for our brand new BIG BAD WOLF! There is now a massive werewolf plush in the Lairbrew line. A third of the pre-orders already sold out and it has only been a couple days, so those will likely sell out before the shipment arrives. He's a handsome guy and he's up for pre-order on!

I like that he looks like he's leaping over the branches.

Includes Backer-Exclusive Content





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