9 months ago

Project Update: ♥Surveys are locked!♥

Hello again everyone!

Another quick update now that our surveys have locked!
Thank you everyone for completing your surveys so quickly. We are now making our way to production!

There are still a few who have yet to complete their surveys, please do so ASAP if you still need to! As production is still underway, there is still some leeway to receive the size you prefer.
Once that timeframe passes, I cannot promise that you will be able to receive your prefered sizing! :(
If you have lost your survey, you may Click Here to find your survey using your email!

Any changes you would like to make on your surveys can still be made within 48hrs from now! After which, cards will be charged again for shipping and any additional add-ons made during the surveys. 

Addresses will still be open for change up until we are ready to send rewards out! You may still change it at any time until then. Another update will be sent when we are ready to ship out the rewards! :) 

Thank you for your support and have a great week! ♥




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