7 days ago

Project Update: Production Sample Update! Pictures!! [UPDATE TO NU'S DESIGN]

Hello Noop Troop! 

This weeks update shares with you some of the exciting samples we've gotten. This post will be very picture heavy! 

*Note: Production file will be updated to not be blurry. There was a compression to the file I did not catch until the samples were printed. This will be fixed for mass production!

I am so so happy with how these turned out, especially the standee!! 


First, I want to let it be known that there are multiple minor revisions being made and one "big" update.
The main one being that Nu's ears are now longer. The reason for this is because I want folks to be able to easily put her ears up into a bow, and it is more accurate to her character lore/background.
Second, there are fixes being done for Amour & Rue in that their noses are the wrong color, and I am making a change to Amour's collar shade as it's just a tad too bright for my vision. 
Additionally, the heart appliques on their heads need to be adjusted as the sample includes the 'cutline' and bleed, which is not correct. 

HOWEVER, I am very happy with how they turned out and I hope you all will be too! Once they arrive in hand, I will have better photos of them to share with everyone. 

Currently, Sweetie, Vader, and Spoopy Nu are the 3 that are approved for mass production.
Birthday Nu is being remade as there was a misunderstanding on what material she should be made from. 

I should have the next 'round' of production samples of Amour, Rue, and Birthday Nu in the coming days. 


I swear I have not forgotten about the Giveaway! 
Honestly, there has been some big personal life stuffs going on behind the scenes that I have been carefully navigating in private, which has sadly consumed more of my mental focus than I'd have liked, however, I am happy to report that things are doing better, and that I am almost ready to announce the giveaway prizes and the winners! 
Thanks for being so patient with me through this process. 
I hope you all like the progress of everything thus far! 

- Ash 





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