about 2 months ago

Project Update: Final Days.. What to expect!? [Important]

Hello Noop Troop! 

At the time of sending this campaign update, there are just shy of 5 days left in the campaign.
The next 'steps' of the campaign are pretty crucial, so please allow me a moment of your time if this is your very first time backing on Backerkit. I am very detailed, but I will try to add a section of summarizing the steps towards the bottom of the update.
Payment methods will be charged February 13th starting at 3pm CST when the campaign concludes. From my experience, this charge can take up to 5-6 or so hours to occur. Compared to Kickstarter, which is instantaneous.  Please do not panic if your card isn't charged right away.
The payment processor backerkit uses is Stripe, so you will see a charge for Stripe / KityCrylics etc.

2nd: This initial charge is for your backerkit order only, not your shipping fees, or any additional items you wish to add post-campaign. More details on post-campaign further down.

3rd: If your payment method fails, don't worry. You have up to 7 days to remedy your payment method. Previously, I was under the impression that failed backers would be dropped from the campaign after those 7 days.
To my current knowledge, you will be able to have your order held and sent to you via the post-campaign store. So if you know for a fact you do not want to miss out, but you just need a few extra days to pay, just let me know.
 I am extremely accommodating where I can be, all I ask is that you communicate with me so I can help set you up for the best success!
However, if I am not notified you wish to keep your pledge by the 7th day, I will anticipate cancelling your survey and giving your spot to the next person 'in line'.

"What is a post-campaign store?"
This is often referred to as a 'backerkit store'.
It is the post-segment of the campaign where backers will be sent a 'survey' to fill out their information for their rewards, shipping details, and you will be able to make any last minute add-ons that will be charged separately at a later time.
This is also usually where any last minute crowdfunding occurs for items that did not get 'funded' during the main campaign. If you missed the main campaign, this is also where you will have the opportunity to preorder last minute before we 'close' the campaign completely.
Backers should anticipate receiving their surveys roughly 14-16 days after this campaign ends. I will have a more detailed update going over the survey segment at a later time.

"When is Shipping charged / How much is shipping?"
Due to the unpredictability of the USPS price rates, I opt to collect shipping closer to when rewards/orders are about to ship. Currently, I anticipate that Noops should land here around June. This is assuming we do not have any major hurtles that delay the final production. I will communicate with everyone along the way and give backers a heads up when I anticipate charging for shipping. Estimated time frame is around early/mid May.

Shipping varies based off the final size/weight of the package, and your Country. On average, shipping domestically is between $6-10, Internationally is between $16-29USD. Closer to fulfillment, I will have a 'chart estimator' generated. 

Payment methods will be charged February 13th for your backerkit order only. Not including shipping, or post-campaign add-ons.
2: If your payment method fails, you have 7 days to remedy it. If you need additional time after that, please let me know and I will hold your 'order'. If your payment method fails and I do not receive communication by the 7th day, I will mark your pledge as cancelled.
3: post campaign (backerkit store) will open for those who missed out on the campaign, or who had to cancel and wish to 'come back'. This will only be open for a short period of time.
4: Backers will receive a 'backerkit survey' to fill out their reward selections, input their shipping details, and make any last-minute add-on selections.
5: Shipping will be charged closer to May, fulfillment is estimated to take place around June.
I will have a 'shipping rate estimator' chart created closer to that time frame.

If for any reason anything is confusing to you, please don't be afraid to reach out. I'm always willing to help re-iterate or explain things where needed (I have a complex brain and overcomplicate things due to my learning disability)

I anticipate adding a couple items to the backerkit store that backers can have a chance to add to their orders. These items will also be available on my website, so do not worry if you cannot order them at the time of your survey going out. This is just a way to let backers order and combine everything into 1 spot. However, if you order via my website, these items will ship separately from your backerkit order.


PHEW. Okay. 
Sorry for the huge long post, but these are important next steps that I want to outline for backers! 
I'll be back in a few days with the next update! ^__^!

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