3 months ago

Project Update: IMPORTANT: Update on fulfillment, Kandi & Batty need repairs..

Hello Noop Troop! 

This is a campaign update that I am absolutely gutted to make. 

First, please allow me to express that normally, while I anticipate hiccups and bumps along the way with production, this marks my first campaign that I am significantly 'late' on fulfilling due to issues outside of my control. The reality is these things do happen, and despite my efforts to micro-manage and fine tune every last detail, we are faced with another delay and before I continue with details, I just want to again thank all of you for being so patient and kind. 

The good news: The issue has been found before the bulk order has shipped to me, meaning we can get this fixed without a significant financial hurdle (compared to if the issue was found after the goods arrived to me).

The bad news: Kandi & Batty have failed their inspection for QC, and I have instructed they be sent back for adjustments/repairs.

As I mentioned in a previous update, I elected to have Steven send me a handful of each Noopy so I could 'check them' over one last time and compare them to my approved sample. PHEW BOY am I glad I did that..

Why I chose to do this: One of the unfortunate realities that I am noticing across all manufacturing/sourcing is that despite me having and signing off on an approved product sample, the final bulk order 'product' ends up varying and looking different, with worse case scenarios having material changes entirely that I did not approve (that is not the case for this production, thankfully).
To clarify: Subtle variations are completely normal and to be expected. Sometimes material changes need to be made due to shortages, and those types of situations are OK! These are still at the end of the day hand crafted by a dedicated team of awesome artisans and craftworkers. 

So what happened?! 😲

Kandi seems to have decided he needed plastic surgery for his ears, and Batty for some reason well.. He just looks like he got stung by a lot of bees. He also decided "Sid the sloth" was his alter-ego.

This unfortunately marks our first ever "Major Malfunction" for Noops creation (with the exception of Meepy which was caught by Steven), and I am not able to accept these guys as they are in their current state. Fortunately, they should not need to be 'destroyed', they will just need to be repaired/reworked.
While I do not think we will have another Meepy situation on our hands, I will of course let our dedicated Noop Troop know and we will see what we can do. 

So what's next? 💔

Here is where I am just head-desking right now. 
I have already begun processing shipping fees for USA backers, but as of last night I am making the momentary decision to pause further processing of shipping fees. Just until I have a more concrete plan pending Steven's update about the repair time needed.
For those who's payment methods have gone through so far, thank you. There is no need to do anything further.
I have asked Steven to inquire with the team to see how much additional time will be needed to get Kandi and Batty repaired. I currently am only guesstimating on the eta, but I am remaining hopeful WORSE CASE SCENARIO the boys will be arriving to me in the same timeline as Frankly and Hoshi, which would mean around early March.
Best case scenario, they go in for repairs and finish by the end of this month, and begin their voyage and arrive to me by mid February. I will do my best to make a 'update' over on Instagram and Discord once I get a more definitive answer, which might take a week or so..

What About BonBon, and Pinky?
They fortunately look great. The handful I received are consistent with the production samples, and I do not think they will need repairs.

EU Backers:
Because this is such a complex situation with GPSR changes going into effect, I am picking the best Noops from the few I have here, and will be shipping what I can. Should you meet your new chaotic family members and decide you absolutely detest them, please just send me an email and I will take the next steps for you.
Side note for EU: I am currently optimistic that there will be 'exceptions' and 'solutions' implemented in 2025 for small businesses to resume shipping to the EU, so even though I intend to stop shipping to EU after this weekend, it is hopefully only temporarily. Fingers crossed.

I am so sorry that this update is not more positive. I am truly blessed to have the best customers and backers, and it is my duty to keep transparency with you to the best of my abilities. Please don't hesitate to reach out to me with any questions or concerns about your order. 






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