Latest from the Creator
6 days ago
Preorders & Secondary Add-ons charging Today! More production updates! :)
Happy Tuesday, Noop Troop !  First: Any secondary add-ons and preorders placed during the second wave segment will be processed for payment today! Please keep a look out for y...
19 days ago
Preorder Store Closing Soon! Survey Lock in details, and product update pics!
Hello Noop Troop!  This month is drawing to a close, and I am eternally grateful for the added support everyone of you have shown. I am still hard at work getting all items li...
26 days ago
Hello Backers! I finally had a moment to sit down and draw out giveaway winners!🥳❤️ This was a little tricky as I could not find a simple method of pulling them.. Originally I intended to just do by backer number, but because of how backerkit works they do not have everyone ...
about 1 month ago
All Surveys Out & Clarification on Complimentary Credits & NOOPY PICTURES!
Happy Friday Noop Troop! This is a quick, short and sweet update for you all. First things first: All surveys have been sent out! Thank you to everyone who has been filling ...
about 1 month ago
All Surveys are out! Important notes...
Hello Noop Troop! ╰(*°▽°*)╯ I went ahead and slammed the big red button to send all surveys out! Here are some quick reminders! This is quite detailed, so I apologize for any overwhelming blocks of text. ❤️ Complimentary credit is applied to campaign backers with eligible f...
about 1 month ago
Smoke Test going out! Preparations for your backer survey below!
Hello everyone!   After much work and experimenting, I believe I have things ready for the Smoke Test to go out! What's a Smoke Test?  It's Backerkit's 'testing system' that...
Hello Backers!
I finally had a moment to sit down and draw out giveaway winners!🥳❤️
This was a little tricky as I could not find a simple method of pulling them.. Originally I intended to just do by backer number, but because of how backerkit works they do not have everyone listed in chronological order (Such as Backer #1, Backer #2, etc).. Because of this, I had to just put all backers into a numerical row and pull by column #. Because I did not want to expose all of our backers emails either, I have had to do this privately and in good faith. I appreciate your patience with me getting these pulled and announced!!

Here are our giveaway winners.... *drum roll*

3rd Prize Winner: Arrow V. 

2nd Prize Winner:
Tessa B.

1st Prize Winner: Mina D.

Congratulations to our 3 Winners!

I will be making some adjustments to your pledge to take note of your prize winnings and confirming your winnings via email in the coming days!

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Hello Noop Troop! ╰(*°▽°*)╯

I went ahead and slammed the big red button to send all surveys out!

Here are some quick reminders! This is quite detailed, so I apologize for any overwhelming blocks of text.
Complimentary credit is applied to campaign backers with eligible freebies. There is a detailed note explaining your credits. I will be fine tuning and making sure everything is correct, so if you see anything off, don't panic, just shoot me a message and I will get it taken care of asap (in case you beat me to it before I do!)

❤️ There are a lot of new add on items and fun little goodies exclusive to this campaign. Take a peak and help yourself.
❤️ No payment is due today for any additional items added! I will give everyone a heads up before I start collecting payments, which won't be until September (estimated between the 10th-15th). This will only collect payments for additional items added, as well as pre-order backer orders. It will not include shipping fees!

❤️ Your survey is open and you are welcome to add or adjust any new items at your leisure. Note however, campaign add-ons or purchases cannot be changed or removed. Please make your final selections no later than August 31st, as I intend to 'soft lock' surveys and prepare to close the pre-order store.

❤️ Please fill out your survey to completion. This includes putting your address details and payment details. This is important for me to properly account your order in our final quantities. No cards are being charged at this time!

❤️ Moving soon? Don't worry. You have roughly 2 and a half months before we lock addresses. Once it gets closer to that time, I will send out notices and you can update your address then. You can actually update it at any time, though too!

🥳The pre order store is now live and everyone who missed out on the first leg of this campaign are welcome to browse our wares and get their orders in! Some items are very limited quantities.

Closer to August 31st/September 1st, a survey soft lock will occur. 
What this means is I will be making a final tally of all add on items, and any backers who do not apply their freebie items to their pledges will have them manually added by me at random.

⚠️Now that surveys are officially sent, the timer ticks down.. Similar to my other campaigns, I operate on a 'conveyer belt' systematic process. What this means is that in order for me to be able to fulfill rewards in a timely manner (and avoid anything clogging up or slowing down the conveyer belt), backers officially have a deadline to fill out and submit their surveys. I cannot ship your rewards unless you fill out your survey to completion. With that being said, backers who do not finish and fill out their survey (or any failed payments post-campaign not remedied) by November 1st (or when we lock addresses to prepare for fulfillment, whichever is soon) are subject to their pledge being considered a donation, and forfeit their rewards.

(●'◡'●) Please do your best to fill out your survey to completion by August 31st for best success!

If any of this is overwhelming to you or you still feel unsure or confused, please don't be afraid to reach out!

I'm a wordy, complex-brained individual and I am always willing to help break these things down for you!
[hooray 4 learning disabilities. where my neurodivergent folks at?!]

Instagram: @kitycrylics - Best form of contact!
email: [email protected] -Second best form of contact!
Discord: deathviakitten - Third best form of contact!

ALSO!! One last thing.. If you would like to be part of our discord server, I periodically open it up so our new followers and Noopy fans can join the Kity Crew! Just shoot me a DM, or email, and I will send you an invite link! 

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about 1 month ago

Project Update: Massive Samples Update & Backerkit Store Items update!

Hello Noop Troop! 

  I have some exciting updates to share with you all. This is a big one, so definitely take your time with it!
 We received pictures of our first BonBon sample, and while I adore how silly he looks, he is just a bit too off from our 'mock-up' and I am sending him back to the tailors to get a color adjustment.

Here are the 'revisions' in a nutshell:

My hope is the slide color adjustment will balance him back out to be closer to our mock-up. 

Pink Lemonade Noopy sample: I have no idea what happened, but he is Meepy sized and floof. 

He has a mouth under that fur, I promise..
  This friend is being sent back to get some adjustments as well, such as a barber's cut on his muzzle area and hopefully a size adjustment because he is smol. "Too smol, put it back".
For our new Noopy fans, "Meepy" is the community nickname for when Noopy's get made significantly smaller than intended, thus resulting in a rather ultra durpy stubby appearance..
 This is caused by the fabric density and as we have recently started using a much more luxurious fabric material, they sometimes shrink during the sewing process. I am currently working with the manufacturer to communicate how to avoid those shrinkages. 

Giveaway Update: Finally curated a graphic to show the key prizes! 

As a reminder: All backers for the main campaign will be entered in for a chance to win. Currently we have 16 failed pledges, so please be sure to get those remedied so you can secure your rewards and your freebie items!

Backerkit Store opening Soon! If you're seeing this update and missed out on the main campaign, please check back soon as we are almost ready to get the store opened up. 

Here are some items coming to the store (and can be added to existing pledges):

Rainbow chain necklaces for Noopy 7" plush!

Mystery Magical Noopy & NoopyNu Charms!

Phew boy! That's a lotta Noops! A very special thank you to Aerohail for taking the time to put together all of our Noopy plush into pixel sprites! These will be available at a very special price on the backerkit store. Each 'bag' will come with 2 mystery charms, and you are guaranteed NO Duplicates.

In Prototype/Sample stages.. Pet Breakaway Collars!
super rough mock-up from the vendor, but just showing that this is something I am working on!

Better pictures coming soon!

Lanyard Samples Finished and shipping to me!
Prepare for a POLL in the coming days as we vote on final orientation of the art! (better pictures coming soon, of course)
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6 days ago

Project Update: Preorders & Secondary Add-ons charging Today! More production updates! :)

Happy Tuesday, Noop Troop ! 

First: Any secondary add-ons and preorders placed during the second wave segment will be processed for payment today! Please keep a look out for your confirmation. As a reminder, this does not include your shipping fees!
Please take care to remedy and failed payments as soon as possible, as these funds are needed to help us cover the additional inventory quantities purchased. 

Production updates:
Pink Lemonade "Pinky" sample is still being a little tiny terror, but Lavender has recently made his arrival to main headquarters to help his little brother out and offering his body for science. Thank you for your patience with me while I work to get him looking perfect. We have prepared the other designs for production, but because of the delays with Pinky, this prospectively is pushing our final fulfillment timeline even further. I will have a better idea once I know 100% everything is in production.

Dust Bags final design & arrival:
In an effort to continue to improve and streamline Noopy and his assets, I made a final revision to the art for the drawstring bags and they have arrived as of last week! As a reminder, these fit up to 3 Noopy2 plush and each order with at least 1 Noopy gets 1 dust bag free. 

Acrylic items & Washi tape and Cat collar production updates:
All acrylic items have been submitted for mass production, and I may have pictures sometime this week! I will share on Instagram and on Discord if so!

Washi tape: Paid and submitted for production!
Cat Collars: Sample print approved and preparing for mass production!

Noopy x Gloomy collab updates:
I've just recently finished signing off on the items for production and am hoping to have a final product reveal sometime towards the end of this month. Right now, the drop date is still pending, but I am shooting for a Halloween release.
Here is a little sneak peak...





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19 days ago

Project Update: Preorder Store Closing Soon! Survey Lock in details, and product update pics!

Hello Noop Troop! 

This month is drawing to a close, and I am eternally grateful for the added support everyone of you have shown.
I am still hard at work getting all items lined up and almost everything has been submitted for production / is in production currently. The first items received were the microfiber lens cloths, which turned out so nice!

Pink Lemonade Noopy is still proving to be a problem child, but have no worries! His brother Lavender is on a flight back to China to help out and get him looking his absolute best!
He still just a little smol and a little roo roumd. We shall see how he turns out once the updates are made~

Preorder store closing on backerkit & surveys ("orders") being locked down soon! 

If you were wanting to get any of the items at our special rates or secure yourself for one of the Noopy plush, please be sure to place your order by August 31st. As a reminder: Payment methods will not be charged at that time. If you've added additional items you can anticipate your payment method being charged around September 10th.
If you've already filled out your survey, please take a moment to do one last double check on your items. Backers who did not add the qualifying freebie items have had the items added manually.

If you have NOT filled out your survey yet, please do so as soon as possible. I cannot fulfill your rewards until you do. Currently there are about 20 backers who still have not filled out their surveys.

Coming soon:
Shipping rate break-down for folks to see and get an idea on what their final shipping rates will be come November.
Full disclosure:
Because the campaign has done so well and with the hiccups on sample approvals, our estimated fulfillment timeframe has been pushed from October to now possibly December. Once we get closer to November, I will be following up with the next steps on charging shipping for all backers.

Thank you all for your continued support and patience!





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