Kids in the Attic
about 6 hours ago

Project Update: We’ve Unlocked Writs & Ephemera—And a New Poll!

Congratulations! Thanks to your amazing support, we’ve officially unlocked Writs & Ephemera: A Prop Book for the Sleepy Hollow Tabletop Roleplaying Game of Early 19th Century Folk Horror. This new prop book will be packed with in-game documents, such as tavern menus, wanted posters, letters, and more—perfect for bringing your Sleepy Hollow sessions to life.

But we’re not done yet! We’re considering a new stretch goal at $18k—a Sleepy Hollow Cookbook! This book would feature authentic 19th-century recipes, updated for modern use, so you can serve up some historically accurate meals and snacks during your gaming sessions. Think hearty stews, rustic pies, and colonial desserts to set the perfect atmosphere! They would also have legends and lore to connect them right into the setting.

We’d love to hear from you! Let us know in the poll if you’d be interested in adding this stretch goal.

As always, we couldn’t do this without you, and we’re beyond grateful for your continued support. Keep sharing the campaign with your friends and communities to help us hit our next milestone!

Best regards,
The Sleepy Hollow Team
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